Bring out your
ALL structures and ALL functions vector towards health when we fast! To me, this is huge. Once you understand and embrace this concept, fasting makes SO MUCH more sense. Why fast? To reach your fullest potential. Sure, you may have health issues to overcome, but that is not the only reason to fast. Maybe you'd like to improve your athleticism. Perhaps you wish to overcome any number of self-destructive habits What's that? You say you'd like to gain inner peace, and need some time to reflect? If want to recreate your physique, rejuvenate yourself, take 10, 20, or even 30 years off of the way you look and feel, invigorate yourself, jump start your digestive and other functions, or just take a break from the whirlwind we call life, fasting may be the perfect option for you. I'm offering a fast in Costa Rica from Feb 3-Mar 16 and still have one private bed available. If you have interest, or just want to know more, shoot me an email: