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Muscles & Mindset

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6 contributions to Muscles & Mindset
What do you struggle with when it comes to eating properly?
I’m trying to figure out the best way I can help you guys. What’s the hardest part for you about dieting properly?
New comment Feb 15
0 likes • Feb 12
Before we moved, it was not over eating because I always felt hungry. Now that we’ve moved and I’m not in a routine yet, the big issue is only eating a few high calorie meals rather than 5 or so smaller meals and snacks. I feel like my metabolism has decreased again
Gym Playlist(s)
Curious to what everyone listens to at the gym. I’ve been a member at countless commercial and private gyms with all kinds of music, along with meeting people with varying playlists I wouldn’t expect. What’s everyone’s main genres/artists they blast while lifting? Anyone have multiple playlists, artist radio, a playlist or a few bangers? I’ve got a couple playlists I throw on. One is straight up heavy ass bangers, and the other one ranges from pop-punk to deathcore.
New comment Feb 15
What's Your Biggest Struggle? EVERYONE COMMENT!!!
This isn't just fitness related. Open up about anything that's weighing on you. This is not a place of judgment. This is where we can be vulnerable as men and actually lift each other up. Most men don't open up about these things. And if you do that you are basically guaranteeing that you will always struggle with that issue. I will start, I struggle with Social Anxiety. I don't like a lot of social situations, i don't like to communicate with people regularly, and thats help me back A LOT in business and its been something thats been difficult for me to shake. Even though i know i need to have certain conversations i will put them off. Or not text someone back because i get anxiety about it for some reason. Its stupid. And i know it is. Because everytime i just talk to people good things happen. So thats my number one thing i'm working on this year. Being a better communicator and getting over my social anxiety completely! . What's yours??
New comment Feb 8
1 like • Feb 8
Making sure I pass my exams. I know I can do it and I’m beyond capable, but failing means losing the entire reason I moved my family to Colorado.
0 likes • Feb 8
@Adrian Lopez I had this similar problem before Natalie and I started living together. I didn’t have anyone else but myself to control my bad habits of going out and buying junk food or booze late at night. All the wasted money and weight gain, all because I couldn't stop indulging my bad habits. Since then, Natalie has helped to hold me accountable for my shit. Additionally, it’s helped me to accept accountability for my bad habits and slowly put a stop to them. Like Dwight Shrute once said, if you find yourself in that kind of a position where you’re going to keep indulging bad habits, ask yourself “would an idiot do this?” If an idiot would, you know the answer.
Favorite lifts
Alright, so I’d like to know! I feel like everyone has favorite lifts/exercises they prefer over all other lifts, or even what muscles they prefer to workout. Curious as to what everyone else’s is! My top 3 have to be 1) wide grip pulldowns 2) triceps extensions 3) hack squats All 3 give me a disgusting pump like no other lift
New comment Feb 8
0 likes • Feb 8
@Carlos Medina decline bench is such an ego stroke for me lol, always a good pump to go with it
0 likes • Feb 8
@Alfredo Gutierrez shoulder workouts are afraid of homie 💀 I wish I enjoyed shoulders more, but it’s hard for me to find specific shoulder lifts I enjoy that don’t make my shoulders ache. But lateral raises and reverse flyes are solid
My Story - SHARE YOURS TOO!!!!
For a long time I struggled with my confidence. I had bad social anxiety, constantly doubted myself, and that affected every aspect of my life. Now after 11 years of working on myself I can proudly say I’m a much more confident & capable man. When you get to work and start taking care of yourself it changes you as a man. You learn disciple, grit, fortitude. Your confidence goes up, you’re more energetic. You are just a BETTER MAN. I encourage you to share your journey too. Even if you are just started out and have no idea where to start. Or if your life me and your a decade into your personal development journey. We can all learn from each other. And the first step is to acknowledge where you are at, and where you want to go. 🎉 WELCOME TO MUSCLES & MINDSET HOMIES!!!! 🎉
New comment Feb 8
My Story - SHARE YOURS TOO!!!!
1 like • Feb 8
Like you, I struggled with my confidence and self esteem. I was bullied for years and always thought I was wildly overweight when it was the opposite. I was at my heaviest for a few years straight. I hated myself, hated who I was, how I looked, and that I was putting myself and my wife (then girlfriend) through who I had become. I struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. A couple months after getting married 2 years ago, Alfredo helped me get a lot more serious about losing weight and helped to properly guide me. -80lbs later, I was in the best shape I had ever been in, felt better, looked better, and could feel my life come back into my own control. I feel like I’m someone my wife can be proud of, and as long as I can keep myself in shape and be healthy, my future kids will have a happy and healthy daddy that they can rely on for years to come.
0 likes • Feb 8
@Alfredo Gutierrez I’m trying to get to the next level! Since we’ve moved, I’ve put on 25lbs. With the 8+ hours of study every day, haven’t been able to get into a routine I prefer like back home. Next month I should be able to get into the proper groove 🫡
1-6 of 6
Charles Miller
15points to level up
28, married to my best friend, Marley and Bindi 🐾 Ultimate goal is to be the best husband, father, friend, and financial guru I can possibly be

Active 222d ago
Joined Feb 8, 2024
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