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Wheel Warriors

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48 contributions to Wheel Warriors
Feeling claustrophobic/trapped
Does anyone else get that feeling of the walls closing in on them? My pain levels have been very high and I've been mostly bedbound this week. Consequently I feel caught and my mental health tumbles. I try to stay positive and take notice of the positives but today its really sideswipe me. I have severe depression and anxiety which I am being treated for. I'm looking at offroad wheelchairs and even a racing chair just want to feel that buzz of speed and the possibility of adventures under my own steam. Sorry for the whingeing.
New comment Mar 31
New to the community
Hey guys I'm Kenzi! I'm a paraplegic with spina bifida, I've been looking for a community like this for YEARS. I used to be extremely active as a kid up until through college, played every sport imaginable and was even prospected by para-olympic teams starting in middle school. However, once I started in the workforce ... that all just stopped like I had run head first into a brick wall. Thanks to that I'm now the heaviest I've ever been in my life and have suffered mentally as well from this. I'm really looking forward to being in contact with a group of people who understand the struggles of day to day life in a chair and the balancing act of self care and social aspects that come with it!
New comment Mar 30
1 like • Mar 30
Welcome to the gang,.
Don't let comparison take away from your achievements!
I took this photo ~1 month before my injury. I was: Deadlifting 200kg (440lb) Squatting 180kg (400lb) Benching 120kg (265lb) I felt small, weak and wasn't real impressed with my numbers. I really struggle to appreciate my own progress, even now. Anything I do, I compare myself to the best of the best, inevitably leading to disappointment with my current situation. Recently I've been getting better at realising how much work has been done by those at the top. I'm learning to appreciate the journey instead of glorifying the outcome.
New comment Mar 31
Don't let comparison take away from your achievements!
1 like • Mar 11
Yes, it's a toxic road to go down, but it's so difficult to avoid at times. I still have dreams where I hiking through the Cumbrian fells on my own. They are so vivid I can feel my rucksack pulling into my shoulders, vegetation rasping against my gates and boots. Some days these dreams lead to an up day where I feel strong and confident, other days they lead to the F-it day where my mood is low and I feel the loss of being completely alone in the outdoors and confident my body and mind can navigate me safely. Does anyone else get these types of dreams? This group is such an incredible creation Danny.
Monday Goal Setting
Hey Warriors, hope you've had a great weekend! Time to set our focus for the week! Some Warriors have been smashing through the 5 & 30 Day Challenges, will you be joining them?
New comment Mar 14
4 likes • Mar 11
Hi Danny and fellow Warriors, My goals for this week are: 1 Train at the gym three times this week. 2 Attend the community call 3 Draw some cartoons for a charity I hope everyone has a safe week.
2 likes • Mar 11
Made it to the Barber's today for a haircut and spent time out talking to people and building my confidence.
My plan for increasing independence in 2024!
Want to see an inside glimpse in to how I reverse engineer my independence goals to make them achievable?
New comment Mar 31
My plan for increasing independence in 2024!
3 likes • Mar 11
Fantastic way of approaching a task. I hadn't thought of charting the breakdown to small building blocks. Strength is Independence is another one for the Warriors T-shirts.
1-10 of 48
Catherine Stephenson
356points to level up
Ambulatory wheelchair user with CRPS, trying to lose weight and increase my muscle.

Active 66d ago
Joined Sep 19, 2023
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