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SuperHuman Wholesalers

Public • 200 • $97/m

13 contributions to SuperHuman Wholesalers
New member introduction
Hey family my name is Deynis. Markers I focus on are Yonkers NY , Brooklyn NY, Bronx NY and Westchester NY . I’m looking to partner nationwide ! Looking forward to making money with you all . - love from 🗽
New comment 29d ago
1 like • 29d
Welcome fam!!!!
You might win if you’re attractive!
One thing I have learned about success in life and in business is that the most attractive people usually have the highest quality of life and results. It may be hard to believe but this is 100% true! However, when most people here the word “attractive” all they think about if the way someone look. It’s deeper than that! Attraction is not only how someone looks on the outside but also how someone looks on the inside. If you want to know how attractive someone is internally listen to the way they talk about people, places, things and problems! if someone talks positively about their problems they will ATTRACT positive results. FACT! If someone talks negatively about their problems they will ATTRACT negative results! My wife often says “a lot women aren’t ugly, they just don’t do anything to make themselves look attractive”. To this is say you may not be an unattractive person, you just might not be doing anything to make yourself look attractive! Today spend intentional time and energy making yourself more attractive! Every time you dial a number think your not only the best looking in the world but your also the most qualified person in the world to solve this persons problems! Remember everyone loves an attractive person! #BeUndeniable
New comment 29d ago
Producer vs Pretenders
In life you are going to become one of 2 type of people; a producer or a pretender. Both producers and pretenders know the same information and can literally quote the info to perfection! One knows the work and the other does the work! One knows the word and the other lives the word! One knows the systems and the other is produces using the system! There's truly only one thing different between the 2 types of people: Execution! Make sure you're a producer and not pretending! If you want to know which one you are take a look at your bank account and your weight scale! You know exactly what you need to be doing, someone else is doing exactly what you're thinking about doing! The results will speak for themselves! #BeUndeniable
New comment Jun 1
0 likes • May 30
@Junior Kahaloa no problem!
1 like • May 30
@Ray Spencer this is why you're killing it man!!! LFG!
Hey family!! I just wanted to drop by and share some game with everyone. For years now, our company has asked our sellers for their feedback after the transaction was completed. On most deals the feedback is positive! However, sometimes our sellers actually give us pointers on how we can improve our sales process. For example, I had a seller tell me earlier this year that the process was great but that I negotiated too much with her and it ruined her experience. This was tough to hear because in my mind we went above and BEYOND for this seller. Perception is reality though so I’ll be keeping that in mind moving forward when I am in similar situations. Never forget that this business is about relationships!! Feedback from your clients can help you create 5 star experiences in the future. I’d also encourage you guys to have a Google business page to post reviews and build credibility with future clients. Always ask for feedback, even if the feedback might be hard to hear! Here’s one of our Google reviews from a closing we had last week:
New comment May 30
1 like • May 30
Negotiating | Backing Out
Hey community, I’m curious to see how you guys handle 2 things. 1) Negotiating if you have a pretty wide acceptable offer range. For example, I’d make my initial offer at a $30-20k profit, but I’d be ok to make $5,000. How would you navigate increasing your offer upwards of $20-25k in a tactical way? 2) Hopefully this will never happen, but how do you guys back out of the contract if you can’t find a buyer after inspection? What do you tell the seller? I appreciate the amount of value everyone shares in here & the fact that this resource exists 🙏🙏
New comment May 29
2 likes • May 28
hey @Amir Arabnia here are my thoughts on this one! 1) Achor low and then come up as needed, Imagine if you only asked for 5k and realized you could have made 50k. You would be upset with yourself if your didn't get everything you deserved If you start out at 50k and then allow them to bring your up to 5k that's a better opportunity because you can still land at 25-35k. Just be respectful and tactful with your offers. 2) Transparency and communication are key, if you're consistently communicating with your seller it's easier to exit because you're telling them that the numbers are too high/ margins are too tight for you to proceed. This will allow you to get the sellers to come down in price or ease your exit.
0 likes • May 29
@Amir Arabnia no problem!!
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Carlos Todd
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Helping Leaders Lead and winners win 🫡

Active 9d ago
Joined Jan 16, 2024
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