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Life of Perception

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10 contributions to Life of Perception
What days would work for Zoom meetings?
Comment what days/times you guys would be available for zoom meetings to learn together.
New comment Jun 3
0 likes • Jun 2
Sundays for sure
6/2/24 Devotional
In a world where social comparisons are a mere swipe away, it's important to remember the biblical teachings on individual worth and the dangers of comparison. Here's a devotional based on the King James Version of the Bible that may offer some guidance. The Scriptures remind us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, according to Psalm 139:14, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." This verse celebrates the unique creation that each one of us is, crafted by the hands of God Himself. When we compare ourselves to others, we question God's craftsmanship and the unique gifts and talents He has bestowed upon us. In the Epistle to the Galatians, Paul warns us about the folly of comparison: "For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden." (Galatians 6:3-5). These verses teach us that our focus should be on our personal calling and responsibilities, not on how we measure up to others. Paul speaks of contentment in Philippians 4:11-12, saying, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Contentment does not come from being better or having more than others; it comes from finding peace in God's provision for our lives, regardless of how it compares to others. As we reflect on these verses, let us strive to view ourselves through the lens of God's word, not through the lens of worldly comparison. Let us celebrate our individuality and the unique path God has set for each of us. By doing so, we honor the Creator and live out the full potential of the life He has given us.
New comment Jun 2
1 like • Jun 2
Great message! Comparison is the thief of joy.
Tuesday Devotional
I know I said I’ll be doing devotions every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but I figured I should just do them everyday. So today I’d like to talk about the book of Job. If you ever had the chance to read the book of Job then you know he had gone through one of the toughest hardships recorded in the Bible. In the first chapter of Job from verses 13-19, Job finds out in minutes that all his camels were stolen, all his sheep burned, and all his children had been killed. Keep in mind that Job was known in his land for being blessed by God, it turned out that satan spoke with God asking to torment Job, God agreed but made a rule…satan could do whatever he wanted with Job but could not kill him. This resulted in Job losing everything including his health. This story begs a question? Why would God allow this to happen to a faithful servant like Job? The truth is although Job had everything taken away from him, his Faith in God never wavered. As I face certain hardships in my own life, I always recall the story of Job. Who am I to lose my faith in God or doubt Him when things do not go my way? In the end God rewards Job for not ever doubting Him with a new life and restores his health, wealth, and family. My biggest takeaway from this story is that whatever may happen keep your eyes fixed on Him, in the end He is the only one who can deliver you from whatever you may be going through. See you guys tomorrow and leave your thoughts and respones below!!
New comment May 29
1 like • May 29
@Divahni Meadows Hey Divanhi, Michael makes a good point as the KJV is the truest translation you can get. However, I’d say the main messages throughout the Bible remain the same. As a believer in Jesus, part of that entails believing Scripture is God breathed and 100% true. The Bible is the most persevered and studied books of all time and God has proven to sustain his Word through the hardest of times of persecution, war, and corruption. Ive read from NIV, ESV, NLT, and KJV and I believe it won’t affect individuals, in the way God is speaking to us, that read a different version such as those. If you find yourself having a lot of questions and wanting more context to the scripture you read. Study bibles are great too.
Feel free to comment any books that you feel have helped you financially or personally and I will create a summary for each one you comment!
New comment May 27
0 likes • May 27
“The Speed of Trust: the one thing that changes everything” by Stephen M. R. Covey
1 like • May 27
@Kenneth Gomez Life changing book in the matter of reflection and the perspective of trust. Teaches the impact of trust in every crevice of our life, gives a good idea of what trust is, and also how to build it so that we can make the greatest impact in our own relationships, organizations, and society.
What are the goals for this community?
My first goal is to create a community that allows our members to have access to over $3,000 worth of financial information/content that I received through mastermind courses and other communities I have joined. My second goal is to have a complete marketing system for our members. Whether that means supporting our members business, growing their social media, or spreading the word of their ideas. My third and final goal is to have a complete and comprehensive support system for our members. This means holding each other accountable, creating great habits to stay disciplined, and simply being there for each other during struggles. Let’s grow this community together in an affordable and efficient manner.
New comment May 27
2 likes • May 27
I have 3 goals that I’d like to accomplish currently: 1. Read 4 books by end of year covering (one from each category): Financial, Leadership, Communicating, and History 2. Run a half marathon by end of summer (Aug.10) 3. Grow my faith and relationship with Jesus deeper than ever before by devoting daily intimate time with him in scripture and prayer and genuine community.
1-10 of 10
Caleb Goertzen
6points to level up
Pursuing an Industrial Engineering degree at the University of Central Florida. Completed valuable work experience in the utilities industry.

Active 99d ago
Joined May 23, 2024
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