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Closing this down
Due to the fact that out of 50 members, only 5 have over +10 contribution points since this community started, I am going to close it down come June 4th.I am extremely grateful to those who interacted and helped the community grow, however, financially does not make sense to set up discussions and pay the $100 a month fee to keep the platform just to have no one participate. I will be leaving my number below for anyone to message me directly with any questions they might have. Life of Perception will be grown elsewhere and privately for now. Best of luck to you all! Cell: 606-571-0524 Email:
New comment Jun 4
Random thought
Seen a quote today so I figured I’d share “Do you actually want it, or do you want people to see you have it?”
What days would work for Zoom meetings?
Comment what days/times you guys would be available for zoom meetings to learn together.
New comment Jun 3
Late night thought
Proverbs 16:33 “The lot is cast into the lap; But the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.” In new English translation “you may roll the dice, BUT THE LORD DETERMINES HOW THEY FALL”
New comment Jun 1
What do you guys watch/listen to?
On my way to work listening to podcasts is a way that I get some extra learning in or some much needed entertainment to keep me awake lol. What are some great forms of media you guys watch or listen to to keep you informed or entertained?
New comment May 30
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Life of Perception
Build your network, market your business/brand, and work towards financial/mental freedom all in this community ready to support its members.
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