Tuesday Devotional
I know I said I’ll be doing devotions every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but I figured I should just do them everyday. So today I’d like to talk about the book of Job. If you ever had the chance to read the book of Job then you know he had gone through one of the toughest hardships recorded in the Bible.
In the first chapter of Job from verses 13-19, Job finds out in minutes that all his camels were stolen, all his sheep burned, and all his children had been killed. Keep in mind that Job was known in his land for being blessed by God, it turned out that satan spoke with God asking to torment Job, God agreed but made a rule…satan could do whatever he wanted with Job but could not kill him. This resulted in Job losing everything including his health.
This story begs a question? Why would God allow this to happen to a faithful servant like Job? The truth is although Job had everything taken away from him, his Faith in God never wavered. As I face certain hardships in my own life, I always recall the story of Job. Who am I to lose my faith in God or doubt Him when things do not go my way? In the end God rewards Job for not ever doubting Him with a new life and restores his health, wealth, and family.
My biggest takeaway from this story is that whatever may happen keep your eyes fixed on Him, in the end He is the only one who can deliver you from whatever you may be going through.
See you guys tomorrow and leave your thoughts and respones below!!
Michael Graham
Tuesday Devotional
Life of Perception
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