False Prophets, and the Prophet within.
One of the many reasons why there are persons who can’t establish peace within their own minds is due to the untruthful promises of spiritual deceivers. When I say spiritual deceivers, I mean those who insist that their beliefs and methods are superior, and everything otherwise are ineffective. This can be especially dangerous, mainly to persons who are genuine in their spiritual endeavors, and seeking truth. Spiritual awakening, and all of its fruits, should never be generalized. The way to God is not, and will never be linear. For anyone who says they have the solution for everyone, is not to be trusted. For some, spiritual awakening takes nothing more than a hobby, and for others, it took immense suffering and the desperation for a way out. Back when I too, fell victim to false prophets, I always saw the quote “Everything that you need was always within you.”, or something of that substance. To be completely honest, it angered me endlessly. Mainly, it was because I couldn't understand the concept. What does it truly mean to look within? How do I look? Where is within? I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I always thought it was just some mumbo-jumbo hippies say to sound special. However, I couldn’t ignore the failures I was having through the techniques of others. I tried everything in the book. I jumped from religion to religion, and I tried more manifestation techniques than anyone I know. And still, there was nothing to grasp. I was hurt that others seemed to be reaping the benefits, excluding me. My questions never got a response, and I wasn’t getting as little as synchronicities. It was a dry season for me spiritually, until I decided to try that mumbo jumbo of looking within. Then, I understood. From my personal experience, to look within simply means to: Stop looking, and be led. I had stopped looking for answers from anything outside of myself, and allowed my own divine intelligence to answer me. I have now reached to the point spiritually where I can ask myself a question in the morning, and by night fall I have more than enough evidence to back up the answer I have given myself. I went from an anxious girl trying all the fad manifestation techniques and not getting any feedback, to having eerie synchronicities, and Jungian-like dreams and encounters with otherworldly beings without the aid of psychedelics. It was so surreal at times, that I felt like I had awoken the sleeping God inside of myself, and it was taking control. For that, I developed more peace knowing that whatever I needed, will come from within.