How Do You Feel After Week 1!?
If you've been consistently ✅✅✅✅✅ for this first week, there is a good chance -You're down in weight or bf% -You have way more energy because you're eating clean and taking cold showers -You feel like the most inspiring and motivated person in your friend circle right now and at work -Instead of losing steam like most challenges in the past, you feel like you can take on more and thats exactly what you intend to do with week 2 -You're quickly realizing this wasn't as "crazy" as you first thought It was and actually plan to keep up these habits long term I would love to hear some feedback guys, how do you feel like you've done with the challenge in week 1 on a scale of 1-10, where do you intend on taking It in week 2, and how do you feel ?!