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Mental Load Basics

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12 contributions to Mental Load Basics
Day 15 - Poor Attempts Edition
Today wasn't a good day from a mental load standpoint. We had a potluck picnic to go to today and I had told my fiancee on Thursday that I would take care of preparing something for us to take to the picnic. I made that declaration knowing that 99% of the time this is not invisible labor that I carry, and I wanted to take it off her plate. However, despite having all day to myself yesterday and doing plenty of tasks for our household, this was not one of them. She asked me about it last night and I admitted that I didn't prepare anything yet but would make a salad from vegetables we had on hand and chop up a bunch of apples we had too many of. So this morning I set about my task but fumbled the execution in a couple ways which caused her to be frustrated and we had a bit of an argument. I felt upset that she wouldn't let me do things my way and make my own mistakes, and I was also upset at myself for not executing on a well planned attempt to take mental load off her plate. She was frustrated that she has to either teach me to do things (a mental load she carries for a lot of topics) or watch me make mistakes that will look poorly on us both when we show up to the picnic with something not right. After some heightened feelings we were able to talk it through a bit and I did finish making our food and the picnic was fine, but it still put a damper on the day, drained us both, and showed her another example of a way she can't trust me. On the bright side, I understand more and I am resolved to do better, but need to stop learning lessons at the expense of her feelings. (I know this is a lot more emotional burden than we're looking for for this but had to share)
Day 14 - Bees Edition Pt 1
As mentioned previously, we are beekeepers. It has been a passion for my fiancee for many years, she did a lot of research prior to us making the plunge and getting a couple hives a few years ago. In order to keep our hives healthy there are a few tasks that need to be done on a regular basis and recently I've been doing that physical labor more often than not. However since this started as my fiancee's project, she has retained a lot of the planning tasks such as -scheduling more adhoc tasks like using pest treatments or coordinating honey harvesting (a big one I might detail later) -planning for growth by keeping inventory of what equipment we have/need, and coordinating the purchase of that from our supplier -ensuring we are doing the right thing for the bees: this was the reason she wanted to get into this hobby so she often has to think about whether we are taking good enough care of them, taking care of the environment by using the right tools and practices, etc.
New comment 4d ago
Day 12 - Misc Edition pt 1
Some random examples where I do the execution of a task but my fiancee does the conception and planning, typically carrying that mental load for a while and then worrying whether I will execute properly: -We paid for a farm share program where every week during the summer we pick up a package of berries/fruits. I typically pick up the package after work most weeks but my fiancee gets the emails from the farm, sets the choices of fruits for the week and reminds me to take back the previous week's boxes (punch card that gets us bonus fruit if we turn in 10 weeks of boxes) -We are beekeepers (that'll be a future post in itself) and we typically enter our honey into our state fair's honey competition. My fiancee owns the mental load of tracking the deadline for entering our application, figuring out what division our honey belongs in that year, and making sure we have the equipment we need to make our entries.
New comment 6d ago
Day 11 - Family Visit Edition
My family lives in another state so we don't get to see them too often. When we do make the ~5 hour drive to see them, I often times devolve into planning to visiting them the way I did before my fiancee came into the picture. This meant I would assume I was staying at my parents house in my old room, I'd find stuff to do with my friends once I got there (no pre-planning) and the activities would largely be based around talking about the past and watching tv. None of this works well with my fiancee, who is allergic to my parents' cats, wants to go out and see and do things, and has a harder time socializing with my friends from home because she wasnt there for all the in-jokes and stories of the past. So she ends up having to worry about where we can stay, what she can plan so she isn't bored, how we can socialize with my family outside of their house, and what she's going to talk about with my friends. I have done better with this more recently but until I show the consistency of thinking about all those things, she still has a bit of dread about these trips.
New comment 6d ago
Day 10: Groceries Edition
My fiancee is a vegetarian so she needs to have plenty of fresh and frozen vegetables available or our meals will devolve to carby options like pastas and breads. As I eat mostly anything I have historically not been too concerned with grocery shopping, I'd just eat pretty much everything in my house and then get groceries based on what I felt like getting. As a result, I have often relied on my fiancee to make a list of what she needs from the store if I am going. Not only that, but she also tends to meal plan something big every couple of weeks like chili, veggie soup, frozen egg sandwiches, etc so we have something easy on days we don't feel like doing much. So she's doing all the conception and planning of what ingredients we need, when/where we need to get them, and then she makes a bunch of food herself, all ensuring that she is getting the vegetables she needs to be healthy.
New comment 6d ago
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Bryan Schollenberger
2points to level up
Just here trying to figure out how to be the best partner I can be.

Active 4d ago
Joined Aug 31, 2024
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