2nd time DM, first time proactive DM
Hello everyone, I've only ever ran LMoP(twice). It went alright, but both campaigns fizzled out after completion. I've read the book for proactive roleplaying, and will be having my session zero soon and I'm super nervous about trying the proactive method. I want to try creating a homebrewed campaign and wanted to ask some questions about goals and factions. Goals: Should the players try to align all their goals? I'm worried it will either feel like, we are doing one players goal at a time, in case that the others players goals are too far or not related. But then I also feel that if I have them try to align their goals all the time, its going to feel unorganic. Say that the midterm goals of finding the sword player 1 is looking for is the same place that player 2 is looking for his lost sister. Then they create new goals that also end up being resolved in the same place? I just want to get some tips on balancing it. Factions: How much should I tell players about faction? I will be creating them after they have set their goals, but should I give them an outline at some point before the game starts? or if they go to a new location, should I tell them what kind of factions operate here? Or should it just happen, as the characers explore the world? Sorry for the long post. Just a nervous DM, trying out this method for the first time. Bjørn