Prep for Homework Week One
Ok FTP friends! So, I’m calling this my homework prep because it’s my first baby step, and I’d like to welcome feedback! Please be honest and gentle/ kind! :) I’ll write a brief description about the questions, then I’ll try to attach the random video which I made today to capture my idea when it hit me. My first experience with live video! Aaaah! I didn’t edit but I had to split it in 4 sections because it was too large to upload. ( update: I had to put them in the comments individually :( ) Need to learn lots about videos!! (I know Victor asked for a personal story, and I’ll be providing that later in another post) Anyways, here goes! … My program helps people achieve optimal wellness in a holistic manner, integrating mind, body, and spirit modalities which I have learned in my own healing journey, and have helped me recover from chronic illness, restore, and maintain my overall wellness! This is so that people like me who have struggled with chronic physical, mental, and spiritual dis-ease can transition from a traditional healthcare approach to awareness and integration of a more open concept which supports the body, mind, and spirit in facilitating self healing. This looks like complete alignment, harmony, homeostasis, an optimal state of well being! My clients will become empowered with knowledge about detoxifying the body, mind, and spirit from all the harmful things in our environment, and restoring balance and wellness in all those areas. We will learn to use food as medicine to restore the body with delicious healthy foods packed with nutrients and minerals provided by our loving Mother Nature. When clients learn the correlation between food and mental health as well, they will be so eager to experience the effects! They will feel so full of energy and enthusiasm for life, that they will no longer crave a ‘normal’ American diet, which consists primarily of toxins! As the Temple of body and mind are cleared and restored, this will allow an optimal environment for connection to the Higher Self, and spiritual growth. By this stage, my client will be shifting in resonance for the introduction of more esoteric interventions such as energy healing, manifestation techniques, and managing control of their frequency. Ultimately, my clients will experience a transformation, and emerge as Authentic Well Beings!