Looking for a reasonably price designer for a web store
Hi I know sort of what I want, and I _could_ do this myself - it would just take longer, and.. I also want that ... you know, that X-factor. Been using Leonardo AI. I do know with myself I can do this kind of work myself, for 10$ a month, and some patience, but, again; I want that polished finish and the red thread, so - for a desktop and a mobile version of an eShop..: I want 1) Enough images to fill about 10 web pages, meaning; -backgrounds -banner(s) -columns -slides -decor 2) Graphics for -fonts, -icons, -buttons and -menus that are the same style. They don´t have to be formatted 100% - the web developer can do that - but the font should be exportable, or we would need to make arrangements some other way, if a nice font can´t be found in the program. 3) Thoughts and input My idea is a store without a particular niche, which is called Team Galaxy, or similar, and as you can tell; I want 1) Sleek 2) Futuristic 3) Blue Steel 4) Neon 5) Cyber"punk" 7) Elite 8) Eclectic 9) Avant garde A Japanese girl group who are trained musicians sort of gave me the inspiration here, so I want, if possible, to make a happy-place, for girls like..: Atarashii Gakko!, which means New School, by the way. First of all, tell me your first impression, do a little dance, and show me what you can/want to do, and I will go back and forth with the the developers, to see how to make a good fit (I have 26 years of IT-experience, so..). Yours truly Audun H. Nilsen P.S. AG is on Twitter, and the mood there is very much.. I also like Perfect Dark a lot, if you´ve tried that. I want it to be a place where you come back just because of interesting products, so it can´t look cheap, and - it should look all in one piece ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrLt661BSZw https://x.com/japanleaders https://www.whitefoxmedicinals.com