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7 contributions to Hakeem Blog
Takeaways: Session 6: Habits and Routines
What are your takeaways from the session about habits and routines? What did you experiment with? Any wins? Any challenges? Any insights?
New comment Jun 27
1 like • Jun 27
@Yusuf Guled batman might just help with remembering this 😂
2 likes • Jun 27
For me shifting my understanding of the hadith on consistency, the best deeds are those that are done constantly for longer, so aim for the long term not short bursts that you can't stick to. Train yourself to adopt tiny habits and habit stacking in easy increments to maintain good habits and achieve goals. I really like how this session ties in with the idea of a lifelong journey towards improving (the gardener mindset). This is part of the idea of why I signed up, realising that I wouldn't be able to benefit from every single aspect of classes in this first go like not being able to attend classes due to timezone differences, but committing to taking those first steps to getting closer to my best self. Alhamdulillah, I feel as if Allah blessed me with barakah in this intention because I was able to benefit from the unexpected bonus live sessions and hope to continue to strive moving forward in sha Allah.
Session 5: Time "Management"
Salam all What are your takeaways from the time management session, or the session about "managing our focus and energy within the limited time that we have"?
New comment Jun 22
2 likes • Jun 18
1. TIme is a fixed asset and we are all kings of the time we have been given. We don't know how much we have on this earth. Instead of making it your enemy and constantly living in anxiety and fear of not doing enough or missing out, embrace it as an asset and prioritise what you can do. 2. Using time as an asset means planning ahead like the boy king who planned his time in the good years to reap fruits later. Rather than trying to cram everything in a day or week, plan long term for the year ahead and of course with the aakhirah focus always in mind. 3. Each moment in itself has a best version and a haqq, so do not infringe upon these rights by trying to cram everything in a hustle culture mindset. Be a gardener who knows there is a season to plant, a season to nurture, a season to harvest and reap all the while trusting Allah in the process, and using the time to do deeds most pleasing to Allah in a manner most pleasing to Allah. 4. Lastly but most important takeaway for me, relax and leave the outcomes to Allah! He Is the Owner of Time, the One who revealed Surah Al-Asr and the ultimate guidance through the Qur'an.
Session 4: Managing our Focus
What are your takeaways on the Focus management Session? Can you do the activity of trying to recite Quran for 3 minutes straight with no interruption? Can you try to prune distractions from social media / smart phones?
New comment Jun 13
Session 4: Managing our Focus
3 likes • Jun 11
Working incrementally on our distractors, internal - like doing journalling or Sh. Muhammad Alshareef's brain dump exercise and external - like managing the immediate physical environment, our phones and social media access. I really liked the part about knowing who Allah is and connecting with His Names and Attributes on a deeper level to remove spiritual detractors and create a connection with Him. I also failed miserably on the take control of your phone activity... major fail.. I am sorry but in my defence social media is 95% social activism so that should count towards being productive right? 😂 😶‍🌫️😵‍💫
1 like • Jun 11
Also Shaykh, question, you said not to do more than 3-5 M.I.T.s per day. How does one reconcile this with the multiple roles and tasks we have to juggle e.g. work tasks, study, family responsibilities, deen and personal time, working out etc etc
Session 3 Takeaways: Barakah in Energy
Session 3 is probably the heaviest session in the whole masterclass in terms of content. I remember my first time teaching this class, we ended up splitting it into two sessions, each was between 90-120 minutes! Then I realized the power of slowing down, giving enough space to interaction and reflection, while making sure that the information is transmitted through other means (such as this Skool group). Anyways: What are your takeaways on Energy management and working to obtain barakah in our sleep, our nutrition, and our exercise? Bismillah!
New comment Jul 12
Session 3 Takeaways: Barakah in Energy
3 likes • Jun 10
1. The ENTIRE sleep discussion as this is a struggle point for me to get consistent good quality sleep. I will start applying some of the solutions, namely making wudhu before going to bed, and reciting the dua for when you wake up in the middle of the night. Also I found the coaching discussion about sleep cycles and measuring it to understand how to use the sleep calculator very beneficial, jazakallah khayr Sh. Mohannad! Journalling before bed to manage emotional issues and thoughts crowding your mind like the Sahabi RA who forgave everyone before going to bed. 2. Physical productivity is about having taqwa in the body. Spirituality and physical health are tied together and working on spirituality will lead to more energy which is a result of the barakah mindset. The body is the vehicle for the nafs/soul and in order to be productive, we must have a strong body and take care of the trust that Allah has given us to be the best version of ourselves. It is not about the numbers on the scales or to look a certain way. 3. As a Muslim community, we are so focussed on the halal, we have forgotten the tayyib, or good!! Such true words, and as someone who likes eating fruit and veggies, I still struggle to control certain junkfood/sweet/sugary food cravings and habits that are not tayyib. In sha Allah, I hope to start applying the 80/20 rule with these food types as lifestyle changes rather than temporary or viral trends that bring no benefit.
Session 2 Insights: Barakah, Spirituality, and our best-selves
Salams all, Whether you realize it or not: One whole week is GONE from our journey as Productive Muslims. We are no way near completion, the best is yet to come, but it's a sign that we need to try our best to stay on top of our game. What are your thoughts on the following topics from session 2? 1. The "outcome equation": Human will + Natural laws + Divine permission = outcome. 2. Barakah and divine attachment to things 3. Gardener mindset vs. Carpenter mindset Looking forward to read / hear your insights.
New comment Jun 7
Session 2 Insights: Barakah, Spirituality, and our best-selves
2 likes • Jun 5
Mine is the gardener mindset focussing on the process/journey. I liked the idea of lead measures, for example the number of hours/times you spend on verse repetitions if your goal is to memorise the Qur'an, rather than only on lag measures, such as the number of verses or sections memorised. I think when we pay due efforts on the process with the right intentions and dua to Allah for help then we can stay committed to our goals in the long run irrespective of immediate outcomes.
1 like • Jun 7
@Mohannad Hakeem my challenges lie in staying asleep within the cycles and then not getting enough sleep which then impacts energy levels.
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Atikah S
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