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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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35 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Got GERU Finished my ONE FUNNEL!
I put my best foot into building out the one funnel like I saw on FHL. 🔥… I thought it was the best… Then I got the GERU upgrade so I could map it out… fyi… that’s backwards… but anywho… At first it was showing negative numbers… I’m like what gives 😳🤷🏾‍♂️… that was before I looked at the tutorial… Thru watching how John Reese looked at using the software… thru the tutorial… I saw I was missing a lot of elements (for 1) but for 2… I “GOT IT” … it just clicked for me. And I reset it up and got it to show like. $8500 profit… I was GEEKED🏦 So then I started working thru the flows and finding any point I didn’t have flow thru … And I kept tweaking till I had took $1000 in ad spend and turned it into $12,000. But I didn’t stop 🛑 there…. Noooooooo 🧐 I went in adding retargeting at key points… and in my first day I took a failing funnel (without no sales page) and could see how we could turn $1000 into over $20,000 in profit and monthly recurring revenue 😇💎🏦 THE BEST PART IS I CAN DO THIS FOR ALL MY CLIENTS WHO PAY. So we ALL have optimized funnel structures to work towards building 💪🏿💯
New comment 14h ago
Got GERU Finished my ONE FUNNEL!
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@Jon Pakula it was at Russell’s selling online that I truly started to understand the power of upsells and properly maximizing thru them… I saw how he made $250k off one launch and created like $100k in monthly recurring revenue… and it was almost all thru the upsell matrix he created. That was probably my life changing moment. At the time… I hadn’t even had my upsells set up right and I was wondering why I wasn’t making any money. I was relying on ppl to show up and pay and Russell had already made like $150k before he even started speaking at the event 🤯💎
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I wanna say this too... I had my paid traffic going to some lead magnet front end... and that's why I was negative... I move the paid traffic source directly to the challenge landing page and that's what unlocked the most profit the fastest. Most other changes were incremental... especially once i had a good idea of how to manipulate the conversion percentages to reflect more real world industry averages. .... PS. There are a couple inconsistencies in my projections... I'm going thru right now and that email sequence under the challenge for the non - registrants can't really happen. They aren't opted in and I probably don't have their info... So we still have the retargeting to that simulated landing page... but we lost $1000 on the back end. .............................. Then on day 1&2 emails weren't connected to the emails that went out for day 3... effectively bringing 20 people back to see the challenge day with the offer and added $4k back... So now it's at $25,000 for the month.
Funnels in Latin America - Different than USA?
Here are a few insights that might help if you’re looking to expand your funnels or start in Latinamerica. I’ve noticed some interesting differences because I have been working on my Marketing and Funnels Agency for a while now, and I have tested several things in Clickfunnels in USA, Canada and Latin America. 1. Building Trust is Key: Many people in Mexico and latinamerica are still cautious about online transactions, often fearing fraud. Establishing trust upfront HUGE (I've seen 10x differences) 2. High Ticket Means Something Different: When it comes to high-ticket offers, and therefore high ticket strategy, what’s considered "high" in the USA is A LOT LESS in Latin America. So if you have a funnel and it does not work, try a High ticket strategy. 3. Payment Preferences: For Hight ticket purchases, many people prefer the security of a bank transfer over using a credit card. Offering this option can help close bigger deals. 4. Payment in 7-eleven. As part of the fear of a fraud, a lot of people do not like using credit cards, they would rather go to the bank, or even to the OXXO (like the 7eleven). Make sure you have an option of payment there. 5. Internet Considerations: Not everyone has access to high-speed internet, so ensuring your funnels are mobile-optimized and QUICK TO LOAD is crucial. 6. Invoice Expectations: In Mexico, providing a valid invoice that meets IRS requirements (its called SAT) its a nice-to-have, but for high ticket (especially if its for a company) it’s expected. Local companies CAN deduct just from a receipt, but its a bit of a hussle. This small detail can build significant trust. 7. Brand Loyalty is Strong: People tend to stick with brands they know and trust. As a new player, gaining that trust can take time, but it’s worth the effort. 8. Language and Localization: It’s not enough to just translate your content into Spanish. Tailoring your message to the local folklore is a "nice to have".
New comment 3d ago
1 like • Aug 16
Haven’t gone into that type of explanation but very insightful indeed. Sometimes I be feeling like my world is a third world country.
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@Rosa Medina Detroit but I’m talking about the economy of young black males
Who's watching LIVE as we go through the BEST (and Most Talked About) presentations from "FHL International" RIGHT NOW!?! I never want the energy from Funnel Hacking LIVE to go away... So I figured - why not do a Quick Encore!?! Let everyone know what YOU are rediscovering below!
New comment 2d ago
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[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Power of Community with Pace Morby
Pace Morby has dropped everything MULTIPLE times to come and speak at my high-end Inner Circle masterminds... And what he shares seriously blows everyone's socks off - EVERY time! Why do I reach out to him? Because Pace's *focus* is... different. And with it, he built a 100M per year MOVEMENT - and he's going to be sharing HOW he did it! Comment your AHA moments below!!!!
New comment 5d ago
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Power of Community with Pace Morby
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@Nipun Syal on it
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went and checked this guy out… love what I’ve seen so far. invisible banking 💎 Russell brings the best people right to us 💪🏿💎
Your Definite Purpose
"All success begins with definiteness of purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want in life." - Napoleon Hill Hey Everyone!!! I hope you're doing great today. I wanted to jump in and bring up question that I believe is the key to unlocking your success in any area of your life. It's what Napoleon Hill would call your "Definite Purpose." I posted a video below from me talking about discovering your Definite Purpose. Step #1 - Please take 2 minutes and watch the video right now Step #2 - Take some time to write out your Definite Purpose, and post it in the comments below. Step #3 - Read other people's Definite Purposes, and drop them some feedback and encouragement! Thanks everyone!! Russell Brunson P.S. - Here are some other AMAZING related Napoleon Hill quotes to help inspire your as you define your definite purpose: =========== "I don’t know why it is that when a man decides what he wants, the whole universe seems to come to his aid to see that he gets it." - Napoleon Hill =========== "The principle of psychology through which you can impress your definite chief aim upon your subconscious mind is called Autosuggestion, or suggestion which you repeatedly make to yourself. It is a degree of self-hypnotism…" - Napoleon Hill =========== "There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Ninety-eight out of every hundred of those whom I have analyzed, had no such aim. Perhaps this was the major cause of their failure." - Napoleon Hill =========== "Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass." - Napoleon Hill =========== "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought." - Napoleon Hill =========== "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything." - Napoleon Hill
New comment 23h ago
Your Definite Purpose
1 like • Aug 9
@Michael Fabber 👊
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@Darian Thomas 💪🏿… what’s ur purpose!
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Ashei Khan
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Guerrilla King - movie producer Community Activist

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