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Anxiety-Free Alliance

Public • 691 • Free

FREE Anxiety support & recovery community started by Arron & Pedestra Reeves, founders of Cerebral Teas.

Anxiety-Free Mastery

Private • 17 • $97/m

This is a private community for Anxiety-Free Mastery members ONLY! This group is meant to offer a interactive safe space, away from distractions.


Skool Community

Public • 153.5k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 21.1k • Free

High Vibe Tribe

Private • 50k • Free (FREE)

Public • 6.7k • Free

121 contributions to Anxiety-Free Alliance
My 7 Year Old Fell On Her Face (Here's Why)
Yesterday, my 7-year-old fell down the steps. It was one of those slow-motion moments, where you see everything happening, but you can't stop it. She had a pen in her hands, playing with it, not paying attention to the steps. She fell flat on her face right in front of me and Pedestra. As a parent, your heart drops. But thankfully there was no blood, bruises or bumps. Once we made sure she was okay, something hit me: this whole situation was a perfect lesson on being present. She wasn’t focused on the steps beneath her feet; her mind was somewhere else, probably caught up in whatever she was imagining with that pen. And that’s exactly why she fell. It got me thinking about how much this translates into adult life. We might not be walking down a set of physical stairs, but we’re constantly navigating life’s steps; our responsibilities, emotions, relationships, thoughts, etc. And just like my daughter, we typically fall the most when we’re too distracted to focus on what’s happening RIGHT NOW. A lot of us go through life with a pen in hand, metaphorically speaking. We get caught up in anxiety about the future or replaying the past over and over in our heads, losing sight of the present moment. It’s like walking down steps, looking everywhere but at your feet... you’re bound to fall. Pretty soon, you'll start REPLACING the act of living life... with thoughts about the past or future. Soon, you're no longer driving... at least not consciously. You're using driving time to stress about life. You're no longer showering consciously, you're worrying about next week. Before you know it, you're sitting there trying to play with your kids and your mind is off, worrying about an upcoming bill you can't pay or an event you don't want to attend. Everything becomes a means to an end and you start to live life without actually witnessing, acknowledging and appreciating life as it unfolds in front of you. Think about it. How many times have you found yourself so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even remember what you just did? Maybe you drove home from work and didn’t remember the route you took. Maybe you had a conversation with someone, but you couldn’t recall what they said because you were already thinking about your response. That’s the pen in your hand, keeping you distracted.
New comment 10h ago
Anxiety free tea
I’m on day 3 of drinking the anxiety free tea and I’ve been feeling crazy. Having headaches and not feeling myself at all like my symptoms are worse.
New comment 3d ago
0 likes • 4d
You're doing great, keep pushing! I've got another more detailed video on this subject coming just to make sure you guys have all the support you need to push through the detox 💚
Serenity tea
Good morning Does this tea make anyone else feel more anxious? I tried to drink it again and I have a severe headache and stomach ache and feel a bit more anxious . I’ve tried multiple times to drink this. How long before you feel ok? The anxiety tea does not do this to me. But I’m literally losing my mind from severe insomnia and I’m trying so hard to stay away from meds. But I don’t even know how I’m still making it like this ..
New comment 9d ago
2 likes • 11d
You have to keep drinking it daily for at least 7-10 days to move past the detox phase. Starting and stopping isn't recommended. It sounds like you may have a lot of mucus in your brain, which the Sereni-Tea is pushing out, which can cause a headache. Drink 1 gallon of Spring water daily if you have detox symptoms, this'll help a lot.
No anxiety
Hello all I’m literally sitting at a place like a Dave & Buster’s that has a crowd and have no anxiety whatsoever! I’ve been taking the tea for 3 weeks now. I’ve been consistent with taking it and being determined to get to the other side of this. I can truly say it feels good to not feel scared anymore 🥹. Don’t give up you will get to the other side believe it! To the founders of this tea thank you making this tea! It’s a lifesaver!
New comment 6d ago
1 like • 12d
Yesss 🙏🏽 love to see this transformation
Trying to continue but scared 😱
Hello Everyone, I’m not going to lie I only drank 1 cup and stopped because I got sick vomiting diarrhea I felt sick and it raised my blood pressure sky high I know he said stick with it but it was soo hard I still have it though and I just came from the ER from having a panic attack and my blood pressure won’t stay down this is my 3rd time going to the ER this month and twice last month they keep saying nothing is wrong 😩 and I feel sick and I can’t sleep or eat it’s taking a toll on me can anyone else relate? I need encouragement to stick with it should I take it if my blood pressure is elevated I’m not on BP medication currently
New comment 1d ago
0 likes • 14d
I doubt a single cup of Anxiety Free Tea caused vomiting, diarrhea and your bp to increase. Never heard that associated with detox symptoms for those herbs. What symptoms have you been dealing with before starting the tea and for how long? You said you can’t sleep or eat? For how long has this been happening? Are you drinking water?
1-10 of 121
Arron Reeves
148points to level up
Arron Reeves, your friendly, neighborhood Anxiety healer :)

Active 5h ago
Joined Jun 6, 2024
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