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Reality Hacker Game Studios

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Game Builder's Guild

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2 contributions to Reality Hacker Game Studios
Free Resources For Your Studio!
What's up squad! Mike and I are working hard to get this community filled with content that you guys can use to start building your studio with confidence and excitement! We have a bunch of worksheets and mini guides on the way that will be free to download for all of you. Check under the Classroom tab and find the option for Free Resources. This will be the place to go for a whole bunch of cool exercises and tools that will help you take charge of the business side of your studio. As we make more guides, this section will be updated and constantly growing. So be sure to keep your eyes out for updates from Mike and I! Finally, we want this group to be incredibly collaborative, and we want to make sure you get insane value out of the time you spend here. So if you have any feedback on the content, or if you want any help applying it, feel free to reach out to either one of us! I appreciate you guys!
New comment 29d ago
2 likes • 29d
let's go......
Welcome to the Reality Hacker Family!
What’s up friends! On behalf of Mike and myself I want to thank you so much for joining us, and welcome you to the Reality Hacker family. This group is for the game dev that’s tired of: - Feeling alone in their journey - Feeling like making money from their craft is a pipe dream - Feeling overwhelmed with the idea of actually running a business. If you feel called to respect your art form and treat it like the career pursuit you dream of it being, you’ve found the right group! Mike and I built Reality Hacker Game Studios to be a resource for solo devs and indie teams, and give them access to business and entrepreneurship education that isn’t confusing or overwhelming. As we grow, this community is going to get flooded with content based around business, growing an audience, marketing, and sales all specifically tailored to the challenges you face as a game dev. Not only will we show you the theoretical knowledge we’ve picked up over years of building businesses and coaching entrepreneurs, but we are going to take the journey along with you as we build and launch our own games. As you accomplish goals with us, we encourage you to share your stories, lessons, and achievements so we can all learn together. The platform actually encourages it! By getting likes and comments from your fellow members, you’ll earn XP and level up, which will earn you access to more courses and resources. These courses can be found in the classroom section and will constantly be updated with new material! We’re so excited to have you and can’t wait to hear how you take your passions and turn them into a viable career for yourselves and your families. Get your points started by introducing yourself in the comments below!! Tell us what you do and what your goals are so we can help you get there! Let’s do this!!!!
New comment Jun 6
2 likes • Jun 3
Want to learn and express my creativity through the games
1-2 of 2
Anshuman Mandal
1point to level up
A Techie, curious mind eager to know many things.

Active 11d ago
Joined Jun 3, 2024
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