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3 contributions to Plant Positive
Tuesday Tucker!
Just a reminder ALL 12 recipes that I have shared so far in the June Jumpstart are listed and linked HERE: 🤔 Today I want to address a common question / concern: Will Fat Make Me Fat? One of the many things I’ve changed my mind on is the importance of good fats in your daily eating routine. For way too many skinny-fat-moody-UNfun years I deprived myself of ALL fat. I now believe FAKE will make you fat, not fat! As long as you prioritise one ingredient unprocessed fats. So that’s nuts, seeds, avo... as opposed to donuts, mayo, cheese. Beyond the obvious - DELICIOUSNESS! - here are 3 of fats benefits... ✅ One: Fat is satisfying. You know that light weight salad that might look huge yet really does nothing to satisfy you? That meal is always going to come back to bite you! When you under eat in one meal your body will nag at you for 'make up' calories… and 'make up' calories are often not quality calories. ✅ Two: Fat slows down the rate at which the carbs you consume are broken down and released into the bloodstream. This lets you avoid the meal that sends your blood sugar levels soaring and then plummeting. It provides you with stable, reliable energy. At the same time it allows you to avoid over consuming ALL of the carbs! ✅ Three: On an emotional level, Fat is fun. This is an underestimated component of getting and staying lean. I genuinely believe you need to love what you eat as often as possible to avoid the “I deserve!” effect. We’ve all spiralled into the detrimental “I deserve” demolish right? Here are my fav 8 Plant-based Fat Upgrades, 1. Make your own nut based cheese. 2. Experiment with 1/2’ing the amount of oil in a recipe and replacing it with higher micronutrient nuts or seeds. 3. Make your own dairy free pesto. 4. Experiment with 1/2’ing the amount of oil you cook with and replacing it with veg stock / water plus adding nuts or seeds. 5. Swap margarine / vegan butter to avocado.
New comment Jun 19
Tuesday Tucker!
1 like • Jun 19
Thank you
Start Here.
Welcome to Plant Positive! My intention is to make plant-based living delicious, healthy and FUN! So let's get things rolling by introducing yourself. Please share: 1. Your name. 2. What would you love to achieve as a result of joining Plant Positive? Next, CLICK HERE to UNLOCK 3 Steps to make your Plant Positive Lifestyle Permanent! See you in the comments!
New comment 5d ago
Start Here.
2 likes • Jun 1
My name is Anna. I'm 53 and married. My husband and I have been WFPB for 3 years amd also sos free for 2 years. I had extremely high blood preasure even with medication. I am on no medication now and have very low blood preasure. I lost 35 lbs and kept all but 5 off for the past 2 years. I am here to be around like minded people. Most people don't understand why I would eat this way and have no interest in doing the same. To improve my health I'd like to gain muscle/strenth, more flexibility, and improve my sleep.
1 like • Jun 19
Thank you,. No, I am not lifting weights. I do some exercise using my own body weight.
Plant Positive Jumpstart, Week 3: One Sheet Meals!
Left-overs + The Framework of a Sheet Meal. Although there's certainly no wrong or right, this is how I like to build a satisfying sheet meal. ✅ A plant protein. Today I went with tofu as I had a measly 75gm frozen and I’m home with Covid! Hence the leftovers focus. I marinated it in tbsp tamari + tbsp water, shake of garlic powder, dash of sriracha. ✅ Fibrous veg. Zucchini and eggplant were all I had. ✅ Starchy veg or grain. Potato for the win today! ✅ Good fat / flavour enhancer. I went with one lone falafel + tbsp pumpkin seeds & some macadamia oil. ✅ Herbs and spices. Fresh rosemary, garlic powder and a little salt were my choices. ✅ Optional for freshness: a bed of mixed leaves. ✅ Optional for more flavour: a drizzle of your fav dressing, as simple as balsamic glaze or tahini. Or as extravagant (!) as **edamame guac or tofu ricotta! **Edamame Guacamole, Blend 200gm shelled, cooked edamame with 1/2 avocado + 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, several slices of red onion finely diced, a generous shake of garlic powder + salt, pepper and chilli flakes to taste.
New comment Jun 19
Plant Positive Jumpstart, Week 3: One Sheet Meals!
2 likes • Jun 19
I've made a similar Guacamole before using peas. It's great for the extra protein. Now I'm going to try it with ediname
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Anna B
14points to level up
I am passionate about my health, my family, travel, animals, and nature.

Active 74d ago
Joined May 25, 2024
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