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Story Hacker Free

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4 contributions to Story Hacker Free
New year's resolution already off to a bad start...
I set a goal for myself this year to try and average 15000 words a month. Only 500 a day. Should be easy, right? However, day 1 and I've just been staring at blank screen all day on one of my rare days off outside of home time (I'm a truck driver). Does anybody have any tips on how to overcome this? I've got my book plotted out and I know where I'm trying to go with it, but, I'm stuck at every corner....
New comment 3d ago
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@Kim Bock That is good to know. I'll definitely try it out as soon as I get a chance
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@Zee Pepmiller I've never used AI before, so its going to be a learning curve.
Before Purchasing a Fiction novel, I typically
(check all that apply). If the poll allows one pick only, feel free to leave a message in the chat.
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New comment 4d ago
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I look at the title, and read the first page. I end up more than 5 pages in before I can put it down, it goes on my list of "Need to buy". I have a ton of books on that list, but no money or time to actually get them and read more
Writing/publishing problems
What would you say is your biggest “problem” with your writing or publishing journey?
New comment 22h ago
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@Andreas Walther so far the only answer I've found is sacrificing sleep. I'm a truck driver, so I have to take federally mandated 10 hour breaks after a 14 hour work day. I can get some writing in, but it's not ideal with also needing to sleep and exercise while also juggling family. Definitely not ideal...
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@Andreas Walther actually, i was looking into dictation as well, and it's viable, but I dont have the software to do it. Voice recording with my phone is fine, but then I would have to sit through hours of recoding to transcribe it myself. I get plenty of days off when I request home time, but that is dedicated family time, so no writing there. I'll have to mark hourly slots off on my calander to ensure I have time otherwise. And hey, at least you tried. Most trucks are automatic nowadays, so that takes a lot of thinking out of it, for better and worse...
Q: What's your writing style?
Are you a Plotter or Pantser? ___________ Just in case you're new to this: PLOTTERS plan and outline their stories in advance, often with a detailed beat sheet or scene-by-scene outline. Plotters tend to write more efficiently because they know what needs to be written and what doesn't. PANSTERS write by the seat of their pants, inventing the story as they go along. Pantsers may have an idea or concept for their story, but they don't know where it's going. They may start with a blank page and let the story develop organically as they write.
86 members have voted
New comment 12d ago
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I'll pants the first couple of chapters or so, but once I get a general idea of where the story wants to go, I have to plot, otherwise I lose continuity and plot threads I have established. Edit. As it turns out, if I plot too much, I lose interest in actually finishing the draft. That's definitely going to be a challenge moving forward.
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Andrew Difederico
43points to level up
Been trying to write a book forever. Time and my job kept getting in the way. Now I've got time, so here's to finally getting it done!

Active 2d ago
Joined Dec 18, 2024
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