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11 contributions to Digital Network Marketing Hub
Day 8!
If you struggled yesterday with figuring out the problem you solve, sometimes it helps to start the with the person that has that problem. So think of WHO you want to help. Who has the problem you want to solve? You got to get clear on WHO you talk to so people will hear your message in the noisy world :) comment on the post who you want to help that has the problem you solve :)
New comment May 8
Day 8!
3 likes • Mar 8
@Cody Dean I’m checking in once or twice a day and it’s going well for me!
4 likes • Mar 8
I am definitely talking to parents of school age children for my digital product. Grandparents may be sprinkled in there, and even the kids themselves, but parents are the ones who would choose it, in the end. My current niche is homeschoolers, but I started out in public afterschool programs, so there really isn’t a limit to the digital product.
The next modules finally unlocked!
Thanks for the likes guys! I’ve been trying to reciprocate when I see new posts and comments so we can all dig in to what Cody is so generously offering us here. I’m curious to know what everyone’s biggest take away is so far. Mine is the “You fall to your lowest expectations” one.
New comment Apr 1
Day 7 Why Do People Buy Things?
Why do people buy thing? Because it solves a problem. Today is pretty simple. Just list out all the problems that your passion/product solves! Example. I am building a YouTube Course To Teach Network Marketers how to Recruit On YouTube. The problem it solves is. 1. Network marketers don't like talking to or being rejected by friends/family 2. They run out of people to talk to 3. They want passive income and a passive way to recruit What are the problems that you want to solve?
New comment May 8
Day 7 Why Do People Buy Things?
5 likes • Mar 7
I teach creative technologies to youths in homeschool and afterschool programs. The problem it solves: 1.Kids love video games, but simply playing them most of the day isn’t inherently useful. I teach them how to make them, which is fascinating, good for their brains, and could possibly be a job later in life. 2. Kids love electronics. I teach them how they work and how to build them SAFELY. 3. Kids love music/movies/tv shows/cartoons. I teach them how to use technology to record and edit media. Their time is not wasted on only consuming.
Visualize It!
I created a visualization of my goal! I'll print it and post it on my desk, bathroom, etc 😁
New comment Mar 8
Visualize It!
2 likes • Mar 7
That is such a great idea!!
We don’t rise to our highest expectations,
We FALL to our lowest expectations. Goals and dreams mean nothing unless you are willing to raise your standards as well. It’s like trying to fill a bucket with a massive hole at the bottom, it makes no difference. You can eat healthy food all day, But if you binge on cookies at the end of the day you won’t see results. You can have the best passion and course in the world. But if you don’t take the action to put it out there you won’t create passive income. Before we start the challenge on Friday Think of the lowest expectations you have for yourself that you may want to raise. What holes do you need to be aware of and fill in your life. Let me know down below!
New comment Mar 7
2 likes • Mar 3
I realized recently that I had lost my joy teaching one particular class that used to be a great source of joy for me. It was actually a parent who was being kinda nasty toward me that made me snap out of it. Her story of me, though untrue, had enough hints of truth to be triggering. It took some soul searching, but I was able to recognize that she was simply reflecting my own untrue story that I tell myself. The standard that I need to raise is doing the bare minimum to get by. I am capable of excellence with the same energy exchange rate. What I mean is, when I’m teaching at my highest level, with enthusiasm, joy, and humor, my students reflect it and the energy I expended is given back to me immediately. It’s kinda “duh,” now that I’ve written it out. 🤦🏻‍♀️
1 like • Mar 7
I wanted to come back here and say this prompt was really helpful to me. Now that it’s had time to sink in/integrate, I found myself bringing the concept up in a conversation with my husband. When I do anything, literally anything, from a place of pure love and joy, it’s returned to me a [insert large arbitrary number]fold! 😁❤️
1-10 of 11
Andrea Covarrubias
12points to level up
I teach creative technologies to the homeschool community. I’m also a wife, mom, musician, writer, dungeon master, and meditation coach.

Active 46d ago
Joined Feb 27, 2024
San Diego
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