Write something
Humble Hustlers Assessments is happening in 3 days
Day 10
Time to gauge interest! Make a post saying “if I created a (guide or group or program) that taught how to (desire/ avoid pain point) would you want an invite? Let me know once you’ve done this and I’ll help add some engagement to your post! :) Put the link to your post in the comments :)
New comment May 20
Day 10
Day 11
How to create your guide! What does your frame work look like to get someone from point their pain to their desired result?
New comment May 20
Day 11
Day 8!
If you struggled yesterday with figuring out the problem you solve, sometimes it helps to start the with the person that has that problem. So think of WHO you want to help. Who has the problem you want to solve? You got to get clear on WHO you talk to so people will hear your message in the noisy world :) comment on the post who you want to help that has the problem you solve :)
New comment May 8
Day 8!
Day 7 Why Do People Buy Things?
Why do people buy thing? Because it solves a problem. Today is pretty simple. Just list out all the problems that your passion/product solves! Example. I am building a YouTube Course To Teach Network Marketers how to Recruit On YouTube. The problem it solves is. 1. Network marketers don't like talking to or being rejected by friends/family 2. They run out of people to talk to 3. They want passive income and a passive way to recruit What are the problems that you want to solve?
New comment May 8
Day 7 Why Do People Buy Things?
Day 5! Your Passion!
Many of you have already said what your passion is, but I want you to pick your passion that you want to turn in to your passive digital product. You might be passionate about network marketing, affiliate marketing, coaching, you might have a message you want to share with the world. What is it that you love to do and love to talk about? My goal for you is that you Love What You Do. so pick something that you love and could talk about for hours and hours or you could do for completely free because you love it so much! Comment below what your passion is that you want to turn into a digital passive product.
New comment May 6
Day 5! Your Passion!
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