I passed the facelifted DP-600 exam! :) and it was far from easy! Many thanks to the whole community and especially to @Will Needham for his noble teaching skills, joy of sharing and the great learning materials he has created. Some points from my exam experience with OnVUE: >> Using MS Learn during the exam I mastered the structure of MS-Learn and how to use it to find what I was looking for, but to be honest I didn't feel I needed it and didn't use it at all during the exam. The exam tested the theoretical knowledge by providing many practical scenarios. In fact, about 70% of the questions were put into practice by chaining the situations together so that I had to understand the glue between the joints. >> Case Study The first 8 questions were about a given practical case study. A bit tedious, but easy to understand without reading all the details of the story. The important details were given here as extra bullet points and lists of requirements, and they were sufficient to answer the given questions. In fact, skimming the use case and reading the questions first and then coming back and reading the use case in detail helped me to answer in time. >> Common questions in the exam - (T-)SQL: in combination with Spark made up the majority of the questions (data ingestion, aggregation, cleansing, etc.) - Permission concepts at various levels (fabric items, warehouse, CLS, OLS, RLS) - Visual and Power Query to perform a transformation or generate a target table - Semantic and large semantic models in practice were in about 8 questions - Generally what can be found where in Fabric/PBI/Admin Portal/Azure Portal/Data Pipelines/etc. - Where to find specific monitoring related stuff (Fabric Monitoring, Metrics App) - Where to set XMLA endpoint-specific settings and for what purpose - KQL statements was questioned only once - DAX formulas were not asked! - Real-time intelligence was not examined! Some tips for those who have an exam date coming up: