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Mental Load Basics

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1 contribution to Mental Load Basics
Roll reversals and hard lessons.
I got sick at the end of January. It took five trips to the ED in a month, to get an inkling of an answer. I've been sick most of this year. Before then, I carried probably 90% of the mental load. I came here to understand what that meant and help the hubs. He had to sink or swim real life style, and on the fly. Neither of us really knew what that meant. When it gets really bad, I can be bedridden for weeks at a time in pain and completely drained of energy. He has to instantly pick up everything I drop, including helping ME now. Suddenly it's all of the mental load I'd been managing, all of the kids stuff, all of the planning, all of the cooking, shopping, driving... etc. And I am also acutely aware of what it feels like for him and the kids to see me so sick. During those times, I can't eat and I tend to lose a lot of weight... it's scary watching someone waste away and not be able to live their lives... it takes everything I have to make sure I am available mentally and emotionally for my family and in those moments, it's exhausting as much as it is important and worth it. During those cycles of being sick, I rarely even have the energy to doom scroll or watch TV. I mostly think and stare and wish for my life back. The guilt I carry is enormous. I thrive on being there for my family and missing out on everything sucks to high heaven! I hate it. I hate that I can't pull my weight and do my share. I hate that my bigger kids also have to step up...and maybe grow up just a little too fast. They all worry so much. I started searching for ways I could help when I got little boughts of energy. It's now a hobby that very much ties into what this group is about. I do everything I can to carry as much of the mental (and SO often, emotional,) load as I can. I used to feel so over worked and overwhelmed and bitter about how much I had to handle. Now I'm a wreck over how much I can't do even when I want to so badly! He has to do all of the actual doing... ALL. Of. It. Cleaning, driving, cooking, shopping, everything. So, the more I can do that I am able to do, the better. Because the guilt I carry is excruciating.
New comment 7d ago
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Amethyst Kahler
4points to level up
A good man who never knew what he didn't know.

Active 2d ago
Joined Sep 6, 2024
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