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7 contributions to Lead Gen Automation Revolution
What I do to wake up to a full inbox every day
If you do not often wake up to a full inbox, then you should rethink your lead generation strategy. It's uncommon to know people on LinkedIn who have ever seen their inbox "full"... It's extremely rare to know people who have experienced DMs full of opportunities. Unless you belong to the latter group already, you should first work on increasing the # of conversations that you have every day. You can increase traffic in your DMs through: - High-quality content - Engaging and valuable content is the backbone of attracting traffic to your direct messages (DMs). - Traffic conversion - Transform your DM interactions into meaningful conversions by strategically guiding the flow. - Cold outbound - Initiating conversations with potential leads or prospects through cold outbound outreach can also increase DM traffic. - You should always work on all of these 3 strategies at the same time... Yet, if you are not generating enough traffic and opportunities through content... This is the case for 99.9% of the people on LinkedIn, you should increase your outbound output. All you need to do to be profitable on Linkedin is to have a solid offer and to start a potential conversation with 10 new prospects per day. The conversations can be generated via inbound or outbound opportunities. This will be enough for you to start generating clients within 30 days and run a 10K/m solopreneur business. Ready?
New comment Jan 22
3 likes • Jan 19
"You should always work on all of these 3 strategies." - I think you mentioned more than 3 strategies. Could you explain? Thanks.
My morning routine
I have learned that it's important to have a routine that feels right for you regardless of what others say you should do. I have tried many different things, some worked, some didn't. Here is what I am currently doing: - 5.30: Wake up, brush my teeth and go for a walk - 6.15: Yoga/workout - 7.00: Read - 7.45: write my daily intention - 8-8.10: Start working What does your routine look like?
New comment Nov '23
My morning routine
1 like • Nov '23
Interesting! When do you have breakfast?
21 Day Challenge Goal and Promise
Hello Elegants, please choose your goal (in terms of output) and make your promise for the 21-day challenge following this format: - Goal: 10 leads outreached per day (50 a week) - Promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I don't reach out to at least 150 leads in the next 21 days IMPORTANT: Aim for an output that is uncomfortable but not impossible. I would recommend aiming for a number between 5 and 15 leads reached out per day. P.S. You can find the outbound and traffic conversion training here. P.S.S. Fill out this sheet daily
New comment Oct '23
21 Day Challenge Goal and Promise
1 like • Sep '23
- Goal (week 1): 10 leads outreached per day (50 a week) - Goal (week 2): 11 leads outreached per day (55 a week) - Goal (week 3): 12 leads outreached per day (60 a week) - Promise: I will donate €100 to a charity helping orphans in poor countries if I don't reach out to at least 150 leads in the next 21 days.
1 like • Oct '23
Shehab: Just be careful. I recently sent 25 invitations in one day (I had not sent out any invitations for a few days). So LI noticed a sudden rise in my activity. As a result, I got sent into "Linkedin Jail" (for the rest of the month, I can only send out 10 more invitations). It is also important to clear out the list of rejected invitations. If LI notices that too many of your invitations get rejected, they will also send us into "LI Jail". Does anybody have more info re. the LI algorithm? Bonus:
Video tutorial: How to find unlimited active leads on LinkedIn
Hello Elegants, as promised yesterday, here is the video where I show you how to find unlimited active leads. In the video, I analyze @Aubrey Turner, @Monica Miranda, and @Troy Kagan's cases. Enjoy!
New comment Sep '23
Video tutorial: How to find unlimited active leads on LinkedIn
1 like • Sep '23
Basically, you are looking at posts on profile sites of people your target audience might follow. When you identified a really good post, you get in touch with those who commented on that post. Is that a good summary?
Growing impressions!
I’m currently at 800 followers and started last month around 400, in the last 28 days I’ve got 37k impressions! Inbound 3 inbound leads. I’ll be honest, all I did is study hooks, try make my content the best I can and have good read ability. No “secret” method. I’ll admit, impressions are only good if you can convert them.
New comment Sep '23
Growing impressions!
2 likes • Sep '23
Exciting. But how can you get 400 followers in 4 weeks? As far as I know, you can only send out 100 connection requests in one week (400 connection requests in 4 weeks). That would mean that 100% of connection requests got accepted! How did you manage to do that? Alexander - German Language Solutions
1-7 of 7
Alex Becker
8points to level up
Business English coach, Business German coach

Active 6h ago
Joined Jul 21, 2023
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