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Let's Train Martial Arts

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Let's learn martial arts together! Training courses in Taekwondo, Kali, and Nunchaku. As well as training material in other styles.


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42 contributions to Let's Train Martial Arts
Post Youtube Instructional Videos Here
If you like a specific YouTube instructional video. Post it on this channel (Youtube Dojo) and I'll work on categorizing the ones submitted into a classroom course for that style of martial art. feel free to help me categorize as well
New comment 4d ago
1 like • 8d
@Sandra Carvalho Thanks for the submissions 💪I've added all four techniques to the BJJ Takedown sections
1 like • 4d
@Jaco Greeff added this playlist to the nunchaku youtube dojo 👍
Update 7
It's been a while since I posted the last update, but a whole lot has been added. Nunchaku: The first level Nunchaku course is now completely finished and has all of the lesson and combination videos in the weeks as well as a separate folder with all of the required technique lessons. Kali: I've restructured the kali course to resemble that of the nunchaku and TKD courses so it is now broken down into more levels and each level is broken down into weeks. I have just finished filming 58(?) lessons for the first level and will post those as soon as they're done editing. I've also just put together my kali library. This will unlock for members that are level 3 or above. this will just be all of the lessons for all of the kali courses put into one place for easy viewing. I'm still in the process of posting the lessons up on there. TKD: I've filmed all the white and yellow belt lessons. White is already posted, Yellow is still in cue to be edited. Half of Orange has been filmed as well. Little by little it is coming together. As always if you have any suggestions on how to improve please let me know. other than that i hope you have a great day!
New comment 7d ago
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@Jaco Greeff now add my personal training on top of that 😂 can’t just be a teacher, gotta stay a student myself
Shadow Wrestling
Hello team, I will start increasing the amount of time I train grappling and for that I needed some solo drills. When I was searching for some new ones I ran into shadow wrestling which I thought was interesting. We are all familiar with shadow boxing so I guess it only makes sense this would exist. And I wonder now how many more sports have this focus on shadow xpto. There was a channel with some of these workouts but there wasn't a playlist for the Wrestling workouts. I made a not listed one to explore later In case you would like to have a look as well. Wrestling isn't the most compatible with my previous injuries and an inner ear situation (BPPV) I have where I try to be careful of how I move my head all the time since the vertigo is quite bad for me. For instance bridging is a problem. I am interested nonetheless and I like to watch wrestling matches so the plan for me is mostly to go through these workouts and see what exercises are feasible for me. Being from Portugal, Wrestling isn't really readily available as far as classes go. Have a great weekend everyone
New comment 13d ago
1 like • 13d
That’s pretty cool, maybe I should follow some of these. My wrestling is pretty garbage 😂 i either pull guard or wait for them to pull guard
Which Style?
What style are you most interested in learning?
14 members have voted
Martial Arts
Super cool
New comment 19d ago
Martial Arts
1 like • 19d
1-10 of 42
Adam Gerrald
299points to level up
Obsessed with martial arts training of all kinds (Kali, BJJ, TKD, Nunchaku & Fencing are my current obsessions)

Active 1h ago
Joined May 12, 2024
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