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8 contributions to Get Into Elite Careers
I need some advice
Hi, I am currently an A-level student interested in a career in Investment Banking. I wanted to ask for some advice on what I should do to get there. For e.g. Do you suggest that I should go to university or do you recommend for me to do a degree apprenticeship? (if that's a viable option) Many Thanks
New comment 6d ago
0 likes • 28d
There's not many degree apprenticeships directly in IB (not sure if more will come this year) and places are limited and highly competitive. Personally I'd advise going down the DA approach rather than the traditional degree route because you learn so many valuable ideas and practises in the trading environment surrounded by knowledgeable individuals within the industry you want to pursue. Secondly, having real IB experience and being associated with a prestigious company will be an asset for you and will help you in the future. The first few years may be tough, but you'll be more qualified, have real experience and be associated with a reputable company proving you as a credible/standout applicant compared to the usual graduate applicant who may only have some internships (versus you being an actual investment banker!) What do you think @Hassan Akram ? *just my own opinions and beliefs based on my own experience, I could be wrong*
CV Template
Hi guys, I am trying to alter my CV, does anyone recommend any templates that I can edit and transfer my information onto.
New comment Aug 19
0 likes • Aug 17
@Ishan Phansalkar thanks
0 likes • Aug 18
@Roshan Vyas thank you, have connected!
Relevant experience for spring weeks
I plan on applying for springs soon but not sure whether the experience I have is helpful. I spent my gap year working in Accounts Payable in the Finance Department for an NHS trust - would this be something to note on my CV or should I leave it as it isn't entirely relevant to IB?
New comment Aug 17
0 likes • Aug 17
As long as you present it correctly, I think you can definitely use that!
L6-7 Degree Apprenticeships in Finance
As many of you may know, Degree apprenticeships have become increasingly popular among young people looking at University alternatives such as myself. Are there any current Degree Apprentices in this community who would like to share their top tips for applications opening up soon Looking forward to hearing from the community!
New comment Aug 12
2 likes • Aug 11
Be tactical in how you apply, from my experience quality in applications goes much further than quantity. I applied to fewer apprenticeships then my friends but I was the only one who managed to get multiple offers because I priorised quality over quantity. Make a list of all the companies you are interested in and the dates in which their apprenticeships open/close. The earlier you apply the better. Thirdly, I'd recommend attending online events/open days at the company you are interested in. Try to speak to the current apprentices/employee's and following the event ensure you connect with them on LinkedIn and then bring this up during your interview/online interview (worked really well for me) Finally, I'd emphasise researching the company and building commercial awareness. Companies know your a kid and won't expect you to know the ins and outs of the industry but it impresses them and shows your have a genuine interest in the sector. Good luck, if you need any more help PM me!
1 like • Aug 11
@Sofien Selmi sure, I'll pm you if that's OK
Apprenticeship Assessment Days
I’m an aspiring apprentice and was wondering how I could approach the group task better in assessment days. I struggled with this a lot in the previous application cycle, and was part of the reason why I was rejected from firms at the last stage. Any advice would be appreciated!
New comment Aug 12
1 like • Aug 11
Just echoing on from the great advice already mentioned. I'd recommend focusing on smaller things like remembering everyone's names, identifying who the perhaps more quieter/nervous people are and then asking for their input before every big decision the groups makes (helping them be a part of the conversation) Eg: (persons name) what do you think about X? All the feedback I've gotten from the ACs I've done, I've always been praised for doing these things. Hope it helps!
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5points to level up
Sixthformer, interested in law ( corporate) & finance

Active 8d ago
Joined Jul 30, 2024
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