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No Regret Living

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5 contributions to No Regret Living
How to Create a Dream Come True (pt 1)
This is a repost from my coach Gary Mahler's substack. I have a paid membership there, but Gary has graciously allowed me to repost this article for you, with permission. It's a great one, enjoy! (And I've included his Dr Martin Luther King quotes at the end of the piece.) ****** As I sit here in the early hours of a December morning, reflecting on my life in the (finally) completed Mahler International Coaching Studio, I am filled with gratitude for a force greater than myself that believed in me and encouraged me to pursue all my desires: to experience the joy of creation and the exuberance of a dream realized. As we slowly unpack almost three years of international living and set up our new space, I reflect on how this is all possible. Before I continue, allow me to share a truth I have discovered. There is no magic formula or tip or trick to make you get rich, find a romantic partner, or become happy. All we have is life. Our life. God, Source, the Universe, fate, or whatever you want to call it or not call it, has given us life. We are empowered to decide how we use this life. We have free will to call upon ourselves what we feel is important for us to reflect on and hold in our awareness. This creates the fabric of our day-to-day lived life. Many times, we exist in life without fully experiencing the nuances of the magnificent gift of being alive. Over 20 years ago I decided that I had enough of merely counting the days down to my death and began the journey of becoming alive. Please don't misunderstand; at that time, I was producing a tremendous amount of insanely excellent stuff and leading a life that most people would envy. I had a gorgeous starter wife, a bustling manufacturing business, and I took three vacations to Hawaii in a year. Apart from my time in Hawaii, I wasn’t really enthusiastic about anything, including all the money I had, the status I reveled in, and the work I did. I was dead and getting colder by the moment, rigor mortis of the soul setting in.
New comment 8d ago
How to Create a Dream Come True (pt 1)
2 likes • 8d
Like so often with my interactions with the Skool app… I come into things a bit after the fact (after they’ve been posted/recorded) … but it is exactly what I need when I need it. Thank you so much Wendy (and Gary 😉) for sharing this message!
Shorter, 'Explainer' video here showing How we'll get the new results
Hi Gang - here's a shorter "How" we will be getting these results in the new "You Unleashed" coaching group. I'll email it out tomorrow, as well as post it here. Slides begin at the 12.5 min mark: Please watch for the email in both your inboxes and spam folders. Thanks!
New comment Dec '24
Shorter, 'Explainer' video here showing How we'll get the new results
2 likes • Dec '24
Hi Wendy, Just watched the shorter video, thank you! Couple of questions - does the audio reply version also mean you're grandfathered in? And can you upgrade to the full zoom version later on at grandfathered rate? I didn't see that option on the link provided here to sign up, is there another link? Thanks so much. Kristina
Crabs and magic
I am once again in awe of how much the cure and this app seem to produce magic. I am struggling with a friend whose energy is so negative that I’m wondering if it’s not actually toxic (to me). I have noticed it more and more over the years and have so much stress at the thought of spending time with her and trying not berate myself for these feelings, and want to support her as she is going through a bad period. I took a break and the next video on my watch list was the bucket of crabs 😱. WOW. Taking a step back, I realize her “bad period” has been going on since I met her 20 years ago…. And I’m not responsible for ensuring her happiness. Thank you Wendy and the cure!
New comment Aug '24
1 like • Aug '24
@Wendy Hart thank you so much for your encouragement !! 😃🤗
1 like • Aug '24
@Jolene Goodson thank you! Taking it one day at a time. I find “breaking up” with a friend is almost harder than with a romantic partner!
February call!
Wow! It happened again. I just caught up on Feb’s call and magic. It was exactly what I needed as I’m headed to a very emotionally charged situation and realizing how much I’m “being” all the negative parts because of how I grew up. These past few weeks have been so challenging and I have been trying so hard to overcome sadness, disappointment and fear of the unknown. Not only did I arbitrarily listen to one of the quick videos - about options and regret (!!) but this call too. It is all hitting home so much. I’m the kind of woman who claims my space, gives back all the energy that isn’t mine, and believes in my higher self. And focuses on all the amazing things that I have made happen even just this week. 💪🏻💪🏻
New comment Mar '24
4 likes • Mar '24
@Merridy Smits it really does help put a new perspective on it and a shine a light when you need it! Thank you! 🤗
I just listened to the March 2023 call, catching up and trying to focus on prizing myself for sticking with it and not berate myself for being missing past calls … This call was EXACTLY what I needed right now. So many unknowns and changes in my life right now, all very much linked to abundance. This call uncovered some triggers me but also gave me a way to counteract them. I’m the kind of person who keeps moving forward, who believes in herself, and be kind to herself!
New comment Jan '24
3 likes • Jan '24
Thank you Jolene for your support and encouragement !! 🤗
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Kristina Vayda
31points to level up
Here to continue the Procrastination Cure adventure!

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Joined Aug 21, 2023
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