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Owned by Mimi

Unstoppable Business Community

Private • 47 • $1/m

🔥 UNSTOPPABLES ONLY 🔥 Where Community = Conversation = Connection = Clients = CHA-CHING 💥 $1 = Your Best Investment Yet! 👊💰


Private • 36 • $27/m

Magnetise your MESSAGE, MONEY + MISSION with MYM where heart-led businesses Stand Out with Magnetic messaging + Badass visibility. Epic IMPACT awaits!


Skool Community

Public • 149.1k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 20.3k • Free

Serene Balance Society

Private • 12 • $1/m

Women Helping Women Mastermind

Private • 4.3k • Free

Selling Online / Prime Mover

Public • 8.4k • Free

Empowered Spirit Tribe

Private • 23 • $1/m

Skool for High Ticket Experts

Private • 157 • $100/m

Collaboration HQ

Private • 35 • $1/m

64 contributions to Skool Community
Success is subjective!!!
How do you feel success is perceived in todays society? Bling Bling Bling, 100k months, flawless glow-up? That's not everyone's dream, and frankly it important you remember that… My belief that everyone deserves to define their own success. Forget the corner office and the diamond-encrusted life; I'm here to champion the messy and the beautiful, and endlessly unique paths we each carve out. For me, it's not about the latest designer threads or the shiniest car in the driveway. Those things might be cool AF, but they don't make me feel truly fulfilled. My definition of success is all about freedom. The freedom to live a simple life in Bali, spend quality time with my fluff ball Dog, hang out in cafes with a long black and immerse myself in nature every fricken day whilst building a badass business serving and sharing what I love with others! Maybe your version of success is climbing the corporate ladder, building a thriving business, or simply having enough time to read a good book and soak in the sunshine. Whatever it is, I'm here to tell you this: success is available for everyone, no matter your walk of life or your wildest dreams. This ain't about judgment, it's about empowerment. If you're tired of chasing someone else's definition of success, let’s flip the script. Ready to ditch the BS and claim your own definition of success? Remember, the world is your oyster, baby. Let's crack it open together! What does success mean for you, and how can you achieve it on your own terms? LETS GO!!! Mimi x x x
New comment 38m ago
Success is subjective!!!
1 like • 42m
@Leon Thornestrom oh I totally hear you about the not stopping, can't see myself stopping either. I have to much fun
1 like • 39m
@Leon Thornestrom Fck yes!!!
One week on Skool
Last Saturday I made the jump and began. I started commenting. I liked. I tried posting and I experimented. I tried making posts and I opened a group. What I underestimated is the amount of support inside of this platform. I have been swamped with support, advice, and teachings. It's amazing to see how successful people want others to be successful too. It's almost like that is what got them to be successful in the first place. It is contagious. Thanks to the gangsters in this community. Feeling blessed! Here's to another week of action!
New comment 1m ago
2 likes • 6h
woop celebrating you and your 7 epic days in Skool!
SUMMING UP 30 DAYS & 40 POSTS IN ONE—LET'S GO! Yup, I've been consistent AF—shared value, asked questions, and learned a whole f*cking lot. Huge shout-out to this amazing community for being part of this journey! So, here's a recap of the past 30 days, the lessons I've learned, and the gold you can take away too: 🔥 A $1 SKOOL GROUP: CRAZY OR GENIUS? Pushed boundaries with this one. Is it worth it to build a community for just a dollar? 👉 Takeaway: People value what they invest in, no matter the price. Test your value, not just your price. 🚪 WHY I'M LEAVING FACEBOOK (AND WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO PROTECT YOUR COMMUNITY) Losing my FB group was tough, but it opened my eyes to Skool. 👉 Takeaway: Don't wait until it's too late—secure your community now. The shift is worth it. 🎉 FB TO SKOOL - BOLD MOVE, BIG PAYOFF! Making the leap from FB to Skool was scary, but man, it's been SO worth it! 👉 Takeaway: Sometimes the scariest moves are the ones that pay off the most. 👊 JUST OVER ONE WEEK—EPIC MOMENTUM Seven days in and already seeing massive growth—showing up daily makes the difference. 👉 Takeaway: Consistency breeds momentum. Make it a habit, and watch the results roll in. 🔥 SKOOL WINS 👊 LAUNCHED MY SECOND COMMUNITY AFTER JUST ONE WEEK Launching my second Skool group within a week was wild, but it's flourishing. 👉 Takeaway: Once you find a winning formula, scale it fast. Don't wait. 💥 LEVELING UP & KICKING PROCRASTINATION'S ASS Took real steps to tackle procrastination head-on. 👉 Takeaway: Don't let procrastination hold you back. Time-block, focus, and GET IT DONE. 🚀 WHY LOSING MEMBERS WAS THE BEST LESSON Losing a couple of members turned into a huge learning moment. 👉 Takeaway: Failures are part of growth. Don't fear them—learn from them and move forward stronger. 💡 HOW I COVERED A $99 INVESTMENT WITH A $1 COMMUNITY Running a $1 community showed me how value ALWAYS trumps price. 👉 Takeaway: Don't get hung up on price—focus on delivering insane value.
New comment 7h ago
1 like • 18h
@Ron Deering woop yes!!!
0 likes • 7h
@Shawn Jooste woo that you, yes I am a get shit done yesterday kinda girl, no excuses!
Latest top 100 best performing posts
Here are some learnings from checking out from the best! 1. The total engagement (likes and comments) for the latest top 100 posts was 5913 2. The higher the level the higher the engagement 3. Skool is the most popular topic on Skool for engagement, followed by self-help, then business 4. There were more statements than question titles in the top 100, but they have a similar average engagement Just some anecdotal stuff I saw 1. Skool is positive, unlike other socials, post engagement does not favor negative hooks 2. Lower levels do better with questions and welcome posts 3. Context matters more than content. If you have made a name for yourself through value and connection the content of your post matters less Much Love
New comment 23h ago
Latest top 100 best performing posts
1 like • 23h
this is awesome thank you!
Worst Skool Page EVER (converting at 31.94%)
Skool + Social Media is ridiculous. I took this screenshot just a minute ago. It's the stats for the "about" page of my free group. I blurred out the group name because I don't think we're supposed to promote our stuff in here. Anyway ... I swear I have the worst "about" page in the history of Skool. But these numbers have been holding strong all month. Plus, people have to confirm their email to join. (I accidentally turned that off last week because I'm brilliant but I fixed it over the weekend.) Zero ads, zero promotion to my email list. All the traffic is coming from Social. It's converting because of the Magic Formula below. Here is The Magic Formula: 1. Make content that's really helpful to the people you WANT. 2. In that content, tell them they can get some stuff in your group and tell them how to join. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed. That's it. Don't overcomplicate things. And don't overthink it. I'm OLD, not good looking, and CLEARLY INSANE ...and it still works.
New comment 5h ago
Worst Skool Page EVER (converting at 31.94%)
1 like • 23h
YES to everything you said, thank you!
1-10 of 64
Mimi Ramsey
1,000points to level up
Visibility, Messaging, + Marketing Expert for badass businesses 💥 Sarcasm + Success Included. DM to become a SKOOL UNSTOPPABLE $1 = HUGE IMPACT 👊

Active 5m ago
Joined Aug 19, 2024
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