Feeling Struck and Empty Inside - While the Outside is Great!
Its a self-diagnosis and bit of professional diagnosis. I suffer from Complex Post traumatic stress syndrome having gone through childhood trauma. And then there's nice guy syndrome, borderline personality, and maybe more. The point is that I've worked at being 'good & nice' so that then everything will be all-right. So got good grades in college, worked hard to make a marriage work, my kids love me, build a good happy family life with the white picket fences, station wagon, and the dog. It still doesn't feel good on the inside. Cuz, I've been fixing things and people without considering the most important person in the whole story. ME. This may sound selfish and self-centered. But hear me out. I have spend the better part of my life fixing things. And they are pretty much fixed. So how is it that I feel shitty, empty and unfulfilled? Bcuz, I started the wrong way. I started Outside In. And the right way is INSIDE OUT. I've to focus on my needs, desires and that would involve struggles too. It ain't about going out and lifes a party kind of living. It's more closer to what energizes me and at the same time is just outside my comfort zone. For example, I've been so busy gazing and working away at the computer, researching, designing , building away to make money and fortune. All of which are good and have their place. The wake up call is, that when I finally looked up and away having got all the financials taken care off. I realize that life has been passing by and QUICKLY. I've bought into a narrative that doesn't serve me and doesn't add happiness to my existence. So, I'm going to eat the humble pie and have started to pull away from the computer and live more in the real world. I won't live life lop-sided, only early more money to feel worthy and have my self-esteem along with my self-worth go up and down on a roller-coaster with my profts and losss statement. I'm getting out more and the interactions are getting better and Real. I already have a routine, fine-tuning it to add more fulfilling things that I love doing. Taking on more work, but more focused on the process and not rushing to some goldpot at the end.