Ok Masterclass members, how are you assessing and mastering stress during the holidays? I ran across a tool many years ago that gives a quick measurement: The LSI Grab a calculator and add up the numbers associated with events you’ve experienced in the last 12 months. What’s your score? Life Event,Stress Score Death of a spouse,100 Divorce,73 Marital separation,65 Imprisonment,63 Death of a close family member,63 Personal injury or illness,53 Marriage,50 Being fired from work,47 Marital reconciliation,45 Retirement,45 Change in health of family member,44 Pregnancy,40 Sexual difficulties,39 Gaining a new family member,39 Business readjustment,39 Change in financial state,38 Death of a close friend,37 Change to a different line of work,36 Change in frequency of arguments,35 Major mortgage or loan,31 Foreclosure of mortgage or loan,30 Change in responsibilities at work,29 Child leaving home,29 Trouble with in-laws,29 Outstanding personal achievement,28 Spouse begins or stops work,26 Starting or finishing school,26 Change in living conditions,25 Revision of personal habits,24 Trouble with boss,23 Change in work hours or conditions,20 Change in residence,20 Change in schools,20 Change in recreation,19 Change in church activities,19 Change in social activities,18 Minor mortgage or loan,17 Change in sleeping habits,16 Change in family gatherings,15 Change in eating habits,15 Vacation,13 Major holidays,12 Minor violations of the law,11