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X3 Hypnosis Inner Circle

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X3 Hypnosis unlocks your success mindset, empowering you to achieve your goals and transform your life.


Skool Community

Public • 153.5k • Paid

8 contributions to Hey Shoo WOW Awakening
Thank YOU and Goodbye for Now - It's been SUCH FUN!
Hi Everyone A quick heads-up... today or tomorrow, my communities will be archived in Skool. Before that happens, I want you all to know how grateful I am for your support, encouragement, motivation and inspiration. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 🌟💗🌟 THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU for engaging in this community, sharing your special light, your love and your wisdom. You have all been amazing! And most especially to the 3 ladies who are at the top of the leaderboard 1. @Nandi Pieterse 2. @Rose McClement 3. @Jill du Preez Who also just happen to be the 3 ladies at the top of the leaderboard in my paid community Hey Shoo WOW Adventure Who are also the 3 ladies who have joined the Positive Intelligence (PQ Program) And the 3 ladies who have joined me for EFT Tapping Sessions. These 3 ladies engaged the most, contributed the most, and also received the most in return. Special mention goes to @David McGraw @Saajida Fakir and @Brock Bourquin who have also been a great contribution to me, personally, as well as to this community. I hope you feel you all have received VALUE from being here. If you haven't watched any of the videos in the Classroom yet, there may still be time for you to receive value before the "doors close". It's been a fabulous month with you all and I would have loved to have continued building this community, however it seems that now is not the time (as the $99 for the monthly subscription to Skool has not appeared yet). THE PLAN GOING FORWARD It's all good. I see this as a gift and opportunity. And am grateful for the lessons learned. I'm planning to be build a new Skool Community (bigger, brighter, bolder and better than before) once that is no longer a hurdle for me.
New comment Jun 23
Thank YOU and Goodbye for Now - It's been SUCH FUN!
0 likes • Jun 23
You're on to bigger and better things Lauren! When one door closes, another door opens! I definitely believe in you ❤️
How can I feel better now?
How can I feel better now? For those moments when you're not feeling your happiest or most energetic. For those moments when you're feeling downright glum. For those moments when you're stressed, anxious, frustrated or angry, this question is great medicine to raise your vibration fast. It's designed to inspire great answers... more positive thoughts you can think, words you can write on a page, mindmaps you can create, pictures you can doodle, or things you can do that will make you feel better. Sometimes the answer that comes to mind is super simple, like get up off this couch and make myself a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes you may want to have a good cry or tackle the challenge head-on until you resolve it. Or you may want to get outdoors and do something active. Or take a nap. Sometimes you may need a little more help. You might reach out to a friend or coach to help you figure things out. You might want to enjoy an empowering self-hypnosis session c/o the amazing @David McGraw Or do some PQ Reps. You might want to use a technique like Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to release stuck, heavy emotions. - I'll be teaching you this today. These are all healthy ways to feel better now. What's the first thought that pops into your mind when you ask the question: How can I feel better now? #howcanifeelbetter
New comment Jun 19
How can I feel better now?
0 likes • Jun 19
Personally, I need to move my body. If I've been sitting for too long, I start to feel "off." That's when I'll get up, go for a hike, do some push-ups, or stretch. Getting my body moving always puts me in a better mood 😊
What can I do that's good for me, others and the greater good?
What can I do that's good for me, good for others, and for the greater good? Imagine living life by this creed. Imagine if we ALL lived life by this creed. What would our world be like? Other variations of this theme: What can I do that brings joy to me, to others and all mankind? 😁 What can I do that is kind to me, kind to others and kind to the planet? 💓 What can I do that generates income for me, for others and for all? 💸 What can I do that gives peace to me, others and the world? ✌️ Ask yourself, when considering any new opportunity 👉 Is this good for me, good for others, and for the greater good? #whatcanido #greatergood
New comment Jun 13
What can I do that's good for me, others and the greater good?
1 like • Jun 11
Great questions to ponder 😊
How can I take the path of least resistance?
How can I take the path of least resistance? What is the path of least resistance? This is one of the most misunderstood terms in the Law of Attraction because many take this to mean "the path of inaction". Yet this path is not about whether you take action or not. It's about how you FEEL on your path. Inspired action will be required at times, at other times it may be best to be still. It's also not about the destination, where the path is leading, so much as how you feel moment to moment. (Though having a vision of where you're heading certainly does help, especially if you're heading in the direction of a life of meaning and purpose). The path of least resistance could also be called: 👉The path of most fun 👉The path of most ease 👉The path of least struggle 👉The path of expansion 👉The path of freedom 👉The path of flow 👉The path of joy 👉 The path of peace It won't all be downhill. You won't just freewheel down the path to your desires. There will be moments when you feel it's distinctly uphill, there will be moments of struggle, but if you catch yourself in those moments. ⛅️And stop. Take a breath. ⛅️Remember your why. ⛅️Remember who you really are. ⛅️Do what makes you feel better in the moment. ⛅️Reach for a higher feeling thought. ⛅️Ask a better quality question. ⛅️Do whatever it takes to raise your vibration. And soon enough, you will be back feeling in flow, excited, inspired, determined and exhilarated once more. That's how I see the path of least resistance. What it the path of least resistance to you? And how will you take the path of least resistance today? #pathofleastresistance
New comment Jun 13
How can I take the path of least resistance?
3 likes • Jun 7
@Lauren Kinghorn Ah thank you ❤️ I'm currently working on a new series. Well, it's actually based on a course I made 5 years ago, but I'm redoing it with a new technique. I have over 20 sessions to record, so back to work I go 😉
How can I be present now?
How can I be in the now? One way is to immerse yourself in something you love doing. ❤️ When artists paint, writers write or runners run, they get into a flow state, where they "lose themselves", nothing else matters than what they are doing at that moment. 🎨 When I'm in creation-mode, I forget to eat and drink and I don't notice time flying by. 👩‍💻 I feel the same way when I am giving or receiving any form of energy healing ot therapeutic bodywork. 💖 When I'm out walking on the beach or doing a meditation or Yoga. 🧘‍♀️ What does it for you? When do you feel most present? ✨️✌️✨️ And what if you could intentionally weave moments of being fully present into every day life? Look out for my video later today on Positive Intelligence to learn how to do just that. #empoweringquestions #howcanibepresentnow
New comment Jun 7
How can I be present now?
3 likes • Jun 3
I put myself in a flow state when hiking with my dog through the forest. I intentionally focus on feeling the breeze on my skin, noticing the light shining through the trees, and hearing the sounds of the birds and other forest noises. It's a very meditative experience, and I feel very refreshed afterward, truly being in the present moment.
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David McGraw
8points to level up
A guy who finds purpose in creating hypnosis.

Active 1h ago
Joined May 27, 2024
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