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Don't Waste Your Precious Life

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5 contributions to Don't Waste Your Precious Life
what's a desire partner?
one of the key features of this community is the desire partner system if you've ever struggled to follow through on your goals you may have tried finding an accountability buddy to keep you on track but the problem with typical accountability is that it relies on guilt and pressure which can make you dread checking in, especially when you fall short desire partners offer a different approach instead of holding you to account, your desire partner is there to explore to help you uncover the deeper desires driving your behavior and find the most aligned ways to meet those desires the focus is on curiosity and self-discovery, not judgment or punishment so you'll always look forward to connecting with your desire partner even and especially when you haven't met your goals because that's when you have the most to learn about what's really going on inside with the support of your desire partner you'll develop a more compassionate, insightful relationship with yourself and tap into the wisdom of your desires to fuel joyful, sustainable motivation if you're ready for a new approach to accountability one that leaves you feeling uplifted and inspired instead of guilty and ashamed then look below to see if you can find a desire partner or make a post, looking for a desire partner of your own
New comment Jun 27
what's a desire partner?
3 likes • Apr 26
I remember a time when I used to be super motivated and productive I had friends that I loved and we only spoke once a week for a few hours, but that was a highlight of my week. So much so that I used to do things that were kind of dumb just, just so that I would have a story to tell them. And I think that was a part of what made me so happy and productive.
1 like • Jun 27
@Benjamin Gabbai I'm working on a tutoring business that helps high school students learn to learn more effectively I think we can be desire partners
Revealed Preferences
I'm sharing an 𝕏 Thread here for value sharing🌟 ## “Revealed Preferences” might be the single most transformative concept I ever learned. No other idea has ever changed my life so drastically. --- I learned the term when I was 24. I was living in a place I didn't like, with people I wasn't fond of, working a job I didn't love, or at least thought of as being beneath my potential. so this idea hit me like a ton of bricks. --- The idea that I might actually like it, or that this way of living served some psychological drive or met some need, was extremely jarring. I would go blue in the face telling people how much I didn't like this. Could this concept explain why I was staying there? --- Turns out, it did. Mortified by my motivations being explained so simply, and embarrassed at how I'd been deluding myself, I tried to take the next step—asking myself what I really wanted. --- Did I want to live there forever? Did I want to keep company with these people for the rest of my life? Is this the work I felt I was supposed to do every day? No. But I was acting like the answer was yes. --- I had to reckon with the idea that I needed to change. If this way of living suited who I was right now, fine. But I didn't want to be this person forever. So I had to consciously change those things. --- At the time, I was still reeling a little, so I equivocated. I said, well, I'll change what I do and where I do it—I'll move and start a new career path. But I'll bring some of these people along with me. That should've told me something, but the psyche resists change. --- It would all be for naught anyway, as the pandemic lockdowns happened just as I was planning to move. The best-laid plans of mice and men, you know. So, in a certain sense, I was doing everything right as I tried to wrestle with who I was and who I wanted to be. --- I probably would’ve ended up ditching those people at some future point, but fate gave me a shove. After the lockdowns, my plans were in tatters, so I made new ones while equivocating even more.
New comment Jun 15
there's a course available at level 2
hey friends, i don't know how much the platform makes this clear, but i have a free video course you can work up to if you get to level 2 the course teaches the 5 skills that are the core of my joyful motivation approach - the evelyn technique, to turn your inner critic into an ally - the oreo technique, to turn pressure and guilt into deep desire - the map technique, to turn deep desire into iron resolve - the boiling water technique, to turn overwhelm and confusion into concrete action - the call waiting technique - to turn distractions into focused work you can raise your level by participating in discussions and being active, so my hope is that we can start to create a thriving community here also, at level 3 you can get access to some of the early draft chapters from the book!
New comment May 10
5 likes • Apr 26
"but i have a free video course you can work up to if you get to level 1" I think you meant level 2 we all start at level 1 and require only 5 points (1 thumbs up = 1 point) if you have joined and not participated you won't gain anything by being here so Like👍 the things you like and reply often. It pays!
Create an Anti-Vision
I'll start with 2 studies. study one: They placed a rat in a tube, starved it, and put a piece of cheese in front of it. However, they clipped its tail to a device to measure the force it would exert when starving. Let's call this measure "control." Then, they introduced the scent of a cat at the back of the tube. The rat pulled harder due to the fear of the cat than from starvation. Rats exert more effort when they detect a cat's scent than when they smell food while hungry. Study 2: "You need approximately five times more good to outweigh the bad. In our review, we have found that bad is stronger than good in a disappointingly relentless pattern." [Link to paper] Now that we have established negative emotions are stronger than other emotion, why don't you use Negative emotion for motivation? here are 3 videos about this How To Use Pain To Change Your Life Tony robbins Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss STOP trying to be happy Alex Hormozi
New comment Apr 26
Create an Anti-Vision
0 likes • Apr 26
i have never heard these words before, I'm excited to learn from you🫡
introduce yourself
what brings you here friend?
New comment 12d ago
introduce yourself
3 likes • Apr 26
There was a time in my life where I was hyper productive and happy. I used to work all the time, It wasn't busy work. It was real work, I learned how to use Photoshop in a few days. I learned JavaScript and built a simple script in a week, I was building my own business and everything was awesome. but after it failed, I just never returned back to who I was before. it's super difficult to even shower it's not depression, I have always been like this but there was a short period where I was hyper motivated that I'm trying to reclaim back!
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Awab Altayib
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Active 4d ago
Joined Apr 26, 2024
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