Do you find yourself habitually thinking and acting in ways that don’t match you anymore? Or not taking any action at all on the things you really want to do? When you feel out of control due to a habit running you, or you become unconsciously reactive - that's a big indication that you have a Defense, Control or Protective mechanism at play. I'm doing a workshop soon, you can check it out here: https://academyforthesoul.com/christeloffer8/
Defense mechanisms are damaging your life! Plain and simple, these are the intricately built sabotaging energetic structures that inhabit your aura and inhibit your mental and emotional energy from Creating wonderful experiences. These mechanisms are protective energy layers that build up as you go through life. They cause restriction in your body, emotional paralysis and mental fatigue. You’re not wired to be using up your energy in that way.
Instead, the energy is wanting to be channeled through your consciousness into beautiful creations. Defense mechanisms not only prevent you from flowing your True creative life force, but they actually break down your natural mechanisms for maintaining "strong states" of being your True self... your Higher Self. These mechanisms can last your whole lifetime if not taken care of and will wreak havoc in your aura...redirecting your precious energy Away from the Love that you deserve and what could truly make you happy and fulfilled. Join: https://academyforthesoul.com/christeloffer8/
A few examples of how Defense mechanisms might be running you:
- Procrastinating... despite wanting to get things done
- Rejecting love when it comes to you... despite wanting to be loved
- Obsessing over something that happened... despite wanting to just let it go
- OverReacting to something someone said...despite wanting to keep the Peace
It’s tough coming to terms with your crazy behavioral patterns...especially when you feel like you have no control over them. But there is a way to dis-engage these mechanisms so you can overcome your unhealthy habits.
There’s a deep and delicate removal process that requires precision and focus…to fully Dis-engage and delete these defense mechanisms...it's not healthy to just pull them out like most healers do!
Release unhealthy habits of Defense, Protection and Control sign up: https://academyforthesoul.com/christeloffer8/
Let's take down your shields in a Healthy way and open space for you to receive greater levels of what your Soul wants you to channel.
With love and light to your Soul,
P.S. Check out the Bonus on this one!! ...So good!
Christel Hughes
5th Dimensional Reiki
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