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Facebook Pixel Match Rates (You should check yours)
This is something that has come up a lot this week with new client conversations. Facebook pixel match rates. This is the easiest thing to see. Head to "Pixels" and "View All" then click on each event within the pixel. You will likely see screenshots like the one below. So what does this all mean? As you can see in the screenshot, the match rate on this account was 2%. Which means (in simple terms) the facebook pixel is only matching 2% of the data going through it to the correct audiences. This number should be at least 95%. So how do you fix this? The best thing you can do if you are running on Shopify is engage a service like Elevar or You can go to them with this, and then will improve the client side and server side tracking. But why does this matter? In order to really make Facebook perform, the platform needs to have the right data to learn from, if a match rate on an event is low, Facebook won't know what audiences are performing, to what level. I honestly feel this is the most important and basic element of a good Facebook account in 2024. Drop me questions below if you have it. P.S: If you are liking the content so far, please share the group with some pals.
Facebook Pixel Match Rates (You should check yours)
Improve Your Paid Ads Tracking & Performance - FREE White paper.
Below is a free white paper, that will help you identify and solve any tracking and attribution issues you might have as a brand. Ever since Apple IOS updates, the landscape of tracking performance within paid ads has massively changed, and often brands don't even know they have a problem or issue. This paper will help you better understand what the effect of bad tracking and attribution will be on your performance and also how to start fixing it. Any questions, drop me a message. Enjoy!
New comment Jun 3
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