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The 3-Hour Book Breakthrough™ is happening in 33 hours
START HERE: Welcome to the 30-Day Book Breakthrough™ Course & Community Group!
Hello and welcome to the 30-Day Book Breakthrough™ course and community group! Let me be the first to welcome you into the group. I have a feeling that you're going to love it here! This free group is for online coaches and online business owners looking to grow their business with a self-published nonfiction book. If that's you, click the yellow JOIN button and let's get your client-getting book done in the next 30 days! Here's the best way to get up to speed on the Book the Clients™ marketing methodology so that you can get your book done ASAP and start getting new clients... STEP #1: Click the yellow JOIN button and fill out your personal profile and add a profile picture to make networking in this group easier for you. Then, post on the Community feed introducing yourself. STEP #2: Bookmark this group in your internet browser so that you can easily find your way back to this group in the future STEP #3: Dive into the book creation courses in the Classroom section of this group. STEP #4: Download the mobile app for this free group! Get the iOS app here or get the Android app here. Scan the attached QR code or simply search "Skool Communities" on the Apple App Store or "Skool" on the Google Play Store. STEP #5: I just sent you a message in the Chat section of the group. Find it by clicking the chat bubble in the top right-hand corner of your screen. If you have any questions as you go along, simply message me back and I'll do my best to help you out and answer your questions. STEP #6: Join an upcoming live event on Zoom. Visit the Calendar tab for all the dates, times, and Zoom links.
START HERE: Welcome to the 30-Day Book Breakthrough™ Course & Community Group!
Download the mobile app for this group!
This free group has an app! Get the iOS app here or Get the Android app here. Scan the attached QR code or simply search "Skool Communities" in the Apple App Store or "Skool" in the Google Play Store.
Download the mobile app for this group!
🪝 Your Book Is A Hook, A Means To An End, NOT The End In Itself!
Self publishing is more competitive than ever and it is basically impossible to make significant revenue from your book. And so... don't try to sell your book and don't even try to make money from it. Instead, use your book as a "hook" to hook the attention of your dream clients. Here's the secret... You need to go from thinking of your book as the end in itself (the thing you sell), and instead think of your book as the "front door" to your business. Put another way, your book is the means (a way to hook the attention of your dream clients) to an end (the program or service that you sell as a coach or online business owner). Your dream clients will see your book and then be hooked and attracted through it as the front door of your business. Then, you follow up and serve, educate, and inspire them to take action. I explain more in the video below and in my weekly live workshop. To join live, or to watch the recording, checkout "The 3-Hour Book Breakthrough™" section in the Classroom tab
🪝 Your Book Is A Hook, A Means To An End, NOT The End In Itself!
📦 Why Amazon Is A Trap 🪤 For New Authors...
Don't be fooled! In this video I explain why Amazon and Kindle are a scam ⛔ for new authors. There are only 3 reasons to put your book on Amazon... Reason #1: If it is on Amazon, it is a "real book" and you are a "real author" Reason #2: Amazon will do cheap print on demand "author copies" and so it is the easiest and cheapest way to get a few printed copies to use for ads and give to family and friends. Reason #3: So that in your book ads and podcast call-to-actions you can say, "You can go buy it on Amazon OR just download it for free at" See how none of these reasons have to do with you making money or getting clients? It is still worth it to list your book on Amazon for those above reasons, but, if you want to grow your business and get new clients with your book, you have to take a different approach. The new approach is called "Book the Clients™" and I explain it step-by-step in my weekly live workshop. To join live, or to watch the recording, checkout "The 3-Hour Book Breakthrough™" section in the Classroom tab
 📦 Why Amazon Is A Trap 🪤 For New Authors...
Don't Sell Your 🧠 Intellectual Property To A Book Publisher!
In this video I share why traditional book publishers are irrelevant. Instead of pursuing a traditional publisher, just self-publish the book yourself. Visit the Classroom tab in this group for the full 30-Day Book Breakthrough™ book creation course! If this non-AI book creation system is too difficult, consider my AI Ghostwriting system, which is even fasters and easier.
Don't Sell Your 🧠 Intellectual Property To A Book Publisher!
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30-Day Book Breakthrough™
For coaches and online business owners: Create your client-getting book in 30 days or less! Get new leads and clients on autopilot with your book.
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