📦 Why Amazon Is A Trap 🪤 For New Authors...
Don't be fooled! In this video I explain why Amazon and Kindle are a scam ⛔ for new authors.
There are only 3 reasons to put your book on Amazon...
Reason #1: If it is on Amazon, it is a "real book" and you are a "real author"
Reason #2: Amazon will do cheap print on demand "author copies" and so it is the easiest and cheapest way to get a few printed copies to use for ads and give to family and friends.
Reason #3: So that in your book ads and podcast call-to-actions you can say, "You can go buy it on Amazon OR just download it for free at yourwebsite.com/book."
See how none of these reasons have to do with you making money or getting clients?
It is still worth it to list your book on Amazon for those above reasons, but, if you want to grow your business and get new clients with your book, you have to take a different approach.
The new approach is called "Book the Clients™" and I explain it step-by-step in my weekly live workshop.
To join live, or to watch the recording, checkout "The 3-Hour Book Breakthrough™" section in the Classroom tab.
Jon Bator
📦 Why Amazon Is A Trap 🪤 For New Authors...
30-Day Book Breakthrough™
For coaches and online business owners: Create your client-getting book in 30 days or less! Get new leads and clients on autopilot with your book.
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