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Alex Hormozi QnA - Unlock 3X More Revenue with This Simple Subscription Strategy
Hey Guys, On the weekly QnA, This week Alex Hormozi dives deep into the game-changing strategy of annual payments, explaining how they can significantly boost your cash flow, reduce churn, and enhance long-term customer loyalty. By leveraging annual subscriptions, Alex reveals how businesses can triple their upfront revenue and fuel faster growth. Packed with actionable insights, real-world examples, and advanced pricing tactics, this session is a must-watch for entrepreneurs looking to scale. Top Tip: Implement annual subscriptions with irresistible bonuses, like extra months or personalized events, to drive customer commitment and improve lifetime value. 0:00 - Welcome & Quick Introduction - Alex sets the tone for the session with a look at the major shift towards annual payment models. - Key Insight: This one change could significantly alter your revenue stream. 1:30 - 18% Lift in Conversion Rates - Small but effective changes: Alex shares how a simple video update led to a significant 18% improvement in conversions. - Curiosity Hook: What exactly changed, and how can you implement something similar? 3:45 - Winners and MRR Game Recap - Alex highlights successful business strategies from last monthโ€™s top performers, with several hitting big MRR milestones. - Detailed Insight: What worked for them and how you can adapt it to your own business. 6:00 - Why Annual Payments Matter - A deep dive into annual vs. monthly payments: Why annual subscriptions are the key to cash flow consistency and scaling quickly. - Key Takeaway: Annual subscriptions could be your ticket to higher revenue with less churn. 8:30 - How to Turn on Annual Payments Now - Immediate steps you can take to enable annual payments in your business and start seeing the benefits. - Actionable Advice: Why waiting could cost you, and how to incentivize your customers to choose the annual option. 12:00 - Pricing Strategies: Monthly vs. Annual - Should you offer only annual or both monthly and annual? Alex breaks down the pros and cons. - Value Tip: Discover which pricing model works best for your specific business.
New comment 9d ago
Alex Hormozi QnA - Unlock 3X More Revenue with This Simple Subscription Strategy
How to not make low-quality comments/posts
Here is an interesting article from @andrewkirby on the skool games about quality posting and we are going to start to implement them in our groups. Please read and learn and I look forward to quality posts. "Here are the 4 types of comments/posts we don't think are very valuable for the group: Opinion Posts This is when someone (often with no credibility) decides to share their opinion, even though no one asked for their opinion. Examples could include "3 Tips For Sleeping Better", "Why You NEED To Decrease Your Price", or "Cold Outreach SUCKS, Here's Why". Instead, do something, then share what worked or what didn't work. We love those posts. No one cares about your opinion. Just state the facts and tell the truth. 2. Self-Promotion The internet is big. There are many places you can promote your group, and The Skool Games is not one of them. If we allow self-promotion, everyone will end up pitching each other, and the group will suck. Do NOT use The Skool Games to promote your group. 3. Help Me Posts This is where you ask for specific advice on a specific thing you're struggling with. There is 16,000 people inside of The Skool Games. Making a 'Help Me' post is like standing in front of a football stadium with a speaker and shouting 'HELP'. Not cool. Instead, ask a broad question that anyone can answer. For example instead of saying "Help me I'm struggling to get people to respond to my cold outreach", say "What is your favourite opener for cold outreach". This will get much more engagement, AND will get you better responses than a Help Me Post The key is to post for the group, not just for you. 4. Engagement Just For Engagement's Sake Do not make comments or posts JUST to make comments or posts. I know you want to climb the leaderboard, but if people associate your name with low quality comments and posts that won't be good for your brand long-term. Don't butt your head into every conversation. Comment or post when you actually have something to say. Here are the types of posts we DO like :
How to not make low-quality comments/posts
Alex Hormozi Scaling and Optimizing Q&A 13
On this call with Alex Hormozi Skool Q&A session, he tackles essential topics for scaling and optimizing communities. From innovative pricing strategies and reducing churn to leveraging influencer collaborations and high-value client acquisition, Alex provides actionable advice and real-world examples to help you maximize your community's potential and revenue. 4:30 - Key Announcements - Alex discusses new features and updates at Skool that are boosting user earnings and reducing churn. 8:50 - Community Success Stories - Talks about top earners and their strategies, including the impressive $100,000+ per month milestones. 10:15 - Credit Card Declines Solution - He teachs about the systematic approach to tackling international payment issues to reduce involuntary churn. Alex discusses the common problem of credit card declines and the steps being taken to address international payment issues, helping to retain more members. 12:40 - Annual Billing Introduction - The benefits of annual billing and how it can double your cash upfront and reduce churn significantly. Alex explains how switching to annual billing can provide significant financial benefits by increasing upfront cash flow and decreasing member churn rates. 18:20 - Engaging Your Audience - The effectiveness of free to paid models, and phone call conversions for higher ticket sales. Learn about strategies for engaging your audience, including converting free members to paid members and using phone calls to close higher-ticket sales. 20:10 - Niche Content Strategies - The importance of targeted content and how to optimize your audience reach by focusing on high-value niches. Alex emphasizes the value of creating targeted content for specific high-value niches to maximize engagement and profitability. 25:30 - Pricing Strategies for Courses - Learn the big head, long tail pricing model to maximize upfront revenue and ensure long-term engagement. Discover the "big head, long tail" pricing strategy that combines a high upfront fee with lower ongoing payments to balance immediate revenue with long-term retention.
Alex Hormozi Scaling and Optimizing Q&A 13
Alex Hormozi - Entrepreneur's Edge Weekly Roundtable Value Notes
Takeaways:- - Consistency is Key: Regular, sustained efforts lead to long-term success. - Focus on Inputs: Concentrate on advertising, conversion, pricing, and churn to drive growth. - Simplify Deliverables: Offer fewer, high-quality products to keep customers engaged. - Engage Personally: Direct outreach to community members fosters stronger connections. - Use Visuals: Structured posts and visuals can boost engagement. - Price Strategically: Higher pricing attracts a better audience and increases revenue. - Share Real Value: Provide practical, hands-on content over hypothetical scenarios. - Facilitate, Donโ€™t Teach: Encourage member interactions and use their experiences to add value. - Optimize Sales Pages: Clear promises, proof, and compelling offers increase conversions. - Iterate Content: Regularly create and refine content based on feedback. - Offer Personalized Support: Higher-touch services justify higher prices and add significant value. - Balance Engagement and Content Delivery: Consistent engagement and quality content help scale and monetize communities effectively Note there is a lot more covered in the hour, but these are the top points that will blow your mind with Value. If you would like to watch the video you can sign up here for free trial. Welcome to the Entrepreneur's Edge Weekly Hormozi Roundtable, your premier destination for unlocking the secrets to exponential business growth. Each week, you can join the roundtable of driven entrepreneurs as we delve into the groundbreaking strategies of Alex Hormozi. From creating high-value offers to mastering lead generation, this roundtable offers a unique platform to discuss, dissect, and deploy the tactics that have generated millions in revenue. Engage directly with thought leaders and like-minded peers in a dynamic, collaborative environment designed to elevate your business to new heights.
Alex Hormozi - Entrepreneur's Edge Weekly Roundtable Value Notes
Double Your Success on Skool with ONE Move [Backed by data]
Hey Guys, I have had a couple of questions about getting started with a community. Making it nice, and having it perfect before you launch = the slow way to fail. So I decided to share this from the Skool games. A couple of weeks ago Alex shared some insides to the Skool Games and I think they are valuable to those of you about to launch communities. Here you go:- We did a big study of all Skool groups to see if there were any ACTIONS that increased people's likelihood of success on the platform. And it turns out, there's one big one. And the best takes less than 90 seconds. And I don't know about you, if I could double my likelihood of success by doing 90 seconds of work...I would stop everything I'm doing...and...DO IT. It's so easy, the only thing easier is...not doing it. But then, you'd stay where you're at - and that would suck. So...onwards. ...DRUM ROLL PLEASE... THE ONE THING THAT CAN 2X YOUR SUCCESS WITH SKOOL: ๐Ÿ”ฅ INVITE 3 PEOPLE TO YOUR GROUP ๐Ÿ”ฅ (keep reading for explanation of mechanics below) NOTE - it works the same whether they are free or paid. (It turns out, we looked at both, and the number matters more than whether they paid or not) By doing that one action alone, it transforms your Skool page into a GROUP. You can't have a group without 3 or more people. 0 adds = you. lonely. sad. +1 = one new invite. also alone and sad. +2 = two people. now they can have a conversation. +3 = three people. now they have a group. and they can belong. Which makes sense...groups that are...well...groups...succeed...because...they're GROUPS. So...stop what you're doing. And invite 3-5 people into your group. Put a post in that just says "introduce yourself" that way you have something inside. You can edit it later. You can put "under construction" in your description, cover image, etc. Action. Action. Action. The data doesn't lie. Invite three people and you'll feel way more accountable to them. Where to invite them from: 1) Invite people from your cell phone contacts. (you have like 300 people, pick 3-5)
New comment May 11
Double Your Success on Skool with ONE Move [Backed by data]
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