Sales Tip 3 of 8 Crushing Sales Objections: The Secret Every Top Closer Knows
Master the art of overcoming objections before they derail your sale—learn the proven strategy top closers use to boost conversions and seal deals faster, from the Vaults of Alex Hormozi.
Hey Guys,
Imagine this: you’re at the final stretch of a marathon. Sweat is dripping down your back, and you can almost taste victory. But just before the finish line, you hit a wall. Your legs give out, your energy fades—out of nowhere, you're stuck.
That’s what objections feel like in sales, right? You’ve done all the work, and suddenly the prospect says,
“I’m not sure about the price,” or
“I need to talk to my partner first.”
And just like that, the deal you’ve been running toward collapses in front of you.
Here’s the twist—what if I told you that wall didn’t have to exist?
In sales, objections are inevitable, like rain at a summer wedding.
But there’s a way to handle them that doesn’t leave you scrambling.
The secret? Front-loading those objections—before they even come up.
One of my clients, let’s call him Elon (no, unfortunately not that Elon), used to hit that wall all the time.
He used to have a pitch-perfect sales calls, and right when he thought he was about to close, he’d get hit with objections about budget, timing, or needing approval from a higher-up.
It was like watching someone miss a slam dunk.
So, we changed the game.
I taught Elon how to tackle objections early, weaving them into the sales conversation in a way that built trust and eased concerns before they could derail the deal. Within a month, his close rate was by 25%.
Here is what we implemented:-
  1. Address Objections Early – Take the most common objections you hear and proactively bring them up in your pitch. "A lot of people ask about the price upfront, here’s why it’s structured this way…"
  2. Practice Defusing – Role-play scenarios with your team where you practice addressing these objections head-on before they can stall your sales momentum.
  3. Empathy is Your Superpower – Respond to objections with empathy, validating concerns but immediately linking the conversation back to value and ROI.
  4. Create Urgency – Use urgency to push through any hesitation. “Here’s how quickly this will bring results.”
  5. Reinforce Value Constantly – Every time you bring up a potential roadblock, counter it with the tangible benefits your solution provides.
When you neutralize objections from the get-go, you’re building a smoother path to closing deals. You’ll have more confident conversations and, most importantly, fewer abandoned sales.
Want to learn more?
I’ve created a Sales Closer Playbook to show you exactly how to front-load objections, save the sale, and keep your pipeline moving.
If you want a copy, just shoot me a DM, and I’ll send it your way.
Let’s eliminate those walls for good.
Talk soon,
Jerry J. O'Brien
Sales Accelerator - Increasing Leads, Conversion & Sales
Jerry O Brien
Sales Tip 3 of 8 Crushing Sales Objections: The Secret Every Top Closer Knows
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