2d ago (edited) in Sales 🤝
Alex Hormozi Sales Tip 1 of 8 -Close More Deals by Pretending’—The Power of Sales Role-Play
Unlock your team’s potential with this simple, game-changing tactic that turns practice into profit. Discover how role-playing sharpens skills, builds confidence, and helps close more deals faster than ever.
Hey Guys,
The other day I listened to 4 and half hours of Alex Hormozi Sales Training and I identified 8 Top Tips I feel are worth sharing and I am going to share the 8 over the coming days.
Enjoy Tip 1.
You ever noticed how actors practice their lines so they can nail every performance?
It’s not just talent—it’s preparation. Now imagine if your sales team approached every call like a stage rehearsal, running through scripts, objections, and tough questions until every response is automatic.
Here’s a hard truth: Sales success isn’t just about talent either. It’s about practice. And there’s no better way to practice than role-playing.
But I get it—you’re busy, your team is hustling to close deals. Why waste time pretending, right? Well, let me tell you about a client who thought the same way… until we started role-playing.
A few months back, I was working with a team that was pulling in solid numbers but struggling with consistency. There were always a few fumbles—someone couldn’t handle a tricky objection, or they’d stumble over their pitch when it really mattered. They knew their product inside out, but that wasn’t enough.
So, we started something radical: We played pretend. Once a week, we’d simulate real sales scenarios. Some days, they were the shark; other days, the struggling underdog. Objections flew left and right: “Your price is too high,” “I’ll have to talk to my partner,” or the dreaded, “I’m just not sure…”
What happened?
In two months, their close rates went up by 35%.
Confidence soared, and objections that once derailed the conversation were now handled effortlessly.
They weren’t just talking to customers anymore; they were dancing through the process.
What’s the secret sauce?
Muscle memory.
Role-playing forces you to react like it’s second nature.
That hesitation, that little bit of uncertainty?
You face it in a safe space, fail, adjust, and come back stronger. It's like practicing your swing until you hit the ball out of the park without even thinking about it.
If your sales team isn’t role-playing regularly, they’re leaving money on the table. It’s that simple. By simulating real-world interactions, they get a chance to make mistakes without consequences—and fix them before they cost you a deal.
Here’s what you can do:
Set up weekly role-playing sessions where your team rotates between being the salesperson and the “customer.” Make it fun, inject energy into the process, and watch them grow into sharper, more confident closers.
Or, you could let a bot do it for you.
I’ve created a sales simulation bot that can role-play as your toughest customer. It uses the C.L.O.S.E.R. framework, guiding your team through a full sales conversation and then giving them feedback on what they nailed—and what needs work.
Want to see how it works?
Click here to try it now.
Let's do this together.
Jerry J O Brien
PS: The best part? It’s fun, it’s effective, and it could give your team the edge they need to close more deals tomorrow.
Jerry O Brien
Alex Hormozi Sales Tip 1 of 8 -Close More Deals by Pretending’—The Power of Sales Role-Play
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