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On my extreme nihilism.
on a simpler term, i would call it logic nihilism. which states, that there is no absolute knowledge thus no absolute logic. And this includes this statement too. Through senses, we observe the world and gain the truth. From there, we derive pattern, forming into knowledge and ultimately logic, which we can use to deduce other truth. However, our senses have inherent limitations. Whatever object Infront you, how can you be sure if it's there? You can see it, smell it, touch it, hear it, and even taste it. But these senses are prone to mistakes and even, manipulation. How can you be sure if the apple you are seeing is not a head of someone else? When light can be distorted, and even other senses can manipulated through the use of electricity as our bodies handles information in such manner, how can you be sure? Of course no weird being would pay that much attention to us, at least from what we know but through above thought experiments, I hope I conveyed inherent limitation of our senses. More realistic limitation stems from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Which states we can never truly know the state of things as action of observing itself affects the result. Thus establishes absolute subjectivity of information, that no matter what we do, we can't know anything to an absolute certainty. From this we drives Logic nihilism as logic comes from knowledge. The reason why logics such as "if A equals B and B equals C, then A equals D" don't exist is because we never observed such phenomenon in the world. And because that observation is inherently flawed in some way or the other, there is no such thing as absolute logic. And that includes these statements too. As it was built on the knowledge of our own. So, there may be absolute truth out there, followed by absolute logic but there might also not be. We can't confirm neither of those two things. And we come back to square one. If even the logic that states "there is no absolute logic" is flawed, is there even point to all this.
New comment 2h ago
Here is how I deduced my life philosophy
The first question is, "Why should I eat when I'm hungry?" The answer is, "To live." The second question is, "Why should I live?" The answer is, "Because it makes me happy." The final question is, "Why should I try to be happy?" There is no answer. Just because I like something, why should I do it? Just because my instinct says to do something, why should I do it? In fact, why should I do anything? There is no reason at all. At this point, relying on logic, one would stand unmoving until one starves to death because there is no reason to even think. However, when I reached this point in my deduction, I instead went home and ate dinner. This made me realize that logic is not in control of my body. Rather, my base instincts as a human, like hunger, emotion, and desire for strength. I believe my life philosophy is completely logical for the following reason: 1. The instinct influences you to do something. 2. The logical part of your brain has neither reason to interfere nor to not interfere, and takes no action. 3. You continue on the original path thanks to your instinct. 4. Your instinct calls upon your logic: "Solve this problem." 5. Your logic has neither reason to deny or accept this, and takes no action. 6. You continue on the original path and solve the problem. Here is my resolution: Nothing matters and we do the things we do for no reason. The universe doesn't have a reason for being, and neither do humans. Therefore, do as you please.
New comment 8h ago
"Life, If it wasn't full of ups and downs it wouldn't be called life" Speaks on the truth of comparison. Without understanding sadness can you understand/value happiness. It's the "downs"in our life that give meaning to the "Ups".If you were constantly subjected to only "Ups" in life you desensitize and don't give value to the "Ups" which be come your norm and shift your perspective where now what you used to think of as an " Up" now becomes the norm and anything above that norm becomes your up and anything below your down
Fang yaun wisdom
“If I lack even this bit of ambition, what’s the point of being human? Failure is fine, just try again several times. Even if I cannot achieve my goals in the end, so what?” This quote really encapsulates the problem in todays world. In this information age where you literally have the worlds knowledge at your fingertips is it considered ambitious to be successful. No it is not ambitious but a basic need. In our world if you're not successful in whatever it is you do you're deemed as a failure , so I ask you is wanting to not be a failure considered ambitious? NO it is not you should have this basic ambition because if you don't you're already 20 steps behind. So what must you do to be successful? basic answer GRIND. Fail again and again and again until you achieve what you want to do at least this way your take actions into your own hands instead of being a pathetic loser hoping a pie is just gonna fall out of the skies in your hand.
New comment 15h ago
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