The Three Types of YouTube Followers: From Passive Viewers to Loyal Advocates
I wanted to share some thoughts about the three different types of followers there are on YouTube and understand how certain types of content will help us attract which type of followers.
1. Passive Viewers
Who They Are: These folks enjoy our videos, but they’re pretty passive. They watch but don’t really interact beyond that. They might not subscribe, comment, or share our content. They’re like the silent majority – there but not really engaged.
  • Mostly just watch our SHORTS and might subscribe
  • Almost never would they buy from us, it's as if they don't exist except in adding more numbers to our account.
  • They’re there for the funny/engaging content, not the community, learning, or you.
Content That Attracts Them:
  • Entertaining videos that catch their interest but don’t require further engagement.
  • Trending topics or viral content that brings in views without expecting interaction.
2. Conditional Supporters
Who They Are: These followers are more engaged, but their support is often conditional. They’ll like, comment, and subscribe if there’s something in it for them – like a giveaway or exclusive content.
  • Engage when there's a clear benefit.
  • Will subscribe and interact.
  • Motivated by incentives like contests or discounts.
Content That Attracts Them:
  • Interactive content with calls to action, like contests, giveaways, and challenges.
  • Exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, or special offers that reward engagement.
3. Loyal Advocates
Who They Are: These are our superfans. They trust us and our content deeply. They engage consistently, support our endeavors, and often promote our channel to others. They’re the ones who buy our merch, join memberships, buy our masterclasses, and spread the word.
  • Highly engaged and loyal.
  • Actively support us through purchases and promotions.
  • Trust our recommendations and are willing to buy what we sell.
  • Share our content with others. Tell others to follow you.
Content That Attracts Them:
  • High-quality, consistent content that provides real value and builds trust.
  • Personal stories, community-focused videos, and content that fosters a strong sense of connection and loyalty.
Reflecting on Our Content's Impact
Given these different types of followers, let's think about how our content is shaping our audience.
Here are a few questions to ponder:
  • What type of content are we creating? Are we building trust and loyalty with high-quality, valuable content, or are we relying on clickbait and incentives?
  • How are we engaging with our audience? Are we fostering a sense of community and responding to comments, or are we treating our followers as a faceless crowd?
  • What actions do we want our followers to take? Are we clear about what we want from our audience, whether it’s subscribing, engaging, or purchasing?
By understanding these dynamics, we can tweak our strategy to nurture more loyal advocates and ensure our YouTube channel grows sustainably and successfully. Ask yourself – what type of YouTube followers are we currently attracting, and what steps will we take to cultivate the followers we want?
Tom Krieglstein
The Three Types of YouTube Followers: From Passive Viewers to Loyal Advocates
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