Bursting with a side of confidence
Bursting has been going so very well - but here’s a side effect I wasn’t expecting:
I mean, yea - I seem to be using the next smaller belt loop, and I seem to have more energy and clarity throughout the day BUT…
I started going back to the gym.
I haven’t been to the gym since last June. Seven months ago…
I was crazy strong before everything hit the fan and my health took a nosedive. I had goals of being able to bench press my own body weight, and maybe start training for powerlifting competitions. Then things changed and I could hardly walk two blocks.
But these little micro actions, these small bursts of exercise have instilled a new confidence in me. I had been doing what I could to reclaim my health, and my legs had been improving, but my head was dwelling on how it didn’t really matter, I’d never be where I was. I was telling myself I wasn’t gym material any more.
Gotta love the sneaky hacks - these bursts changed the way I think. I am the kind of woman who exercises. I am the kind of woman who does push-ups (even if they are modified, I am still doing them!). And I am the kind of woman who is supported by her amazing accountability buddies, who fill her head with prizing and affirmations that I AM STRONG! I AM DOING THIS!!
, you two are making a world of difference. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement.
This entire community is making a world of difference.
I appreciate all of you so very much.
Valerie Kendall
Bursting with a side of confidence
No Regret Living
Helping you live a life unblocked where your plans get realized. Using neuroscience to help you 'get your dreams out of your head and into the world!'
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