Write something
Hey bro hope you're doing good. Actually i stumbled upon this issue with writing tweets with authenticity and uniqueness but i cannot stumble upon a idea. So can you suggest me ways to brainstorm on ideas so that i can write better and really come with new ideas daily.
New comment May 30
Sharing here with you my quick takeaways
Sahil Bloom just finished an in-person gathering in India, and here are my takeaways in short form: - Think about what discipline brings in the future, like becoming your 'future self'. - Always be curious and learn; it helps you adapt. - Having knowledge is great, but taking action makes it count. - Celebrate your progress daily, no win is too small. - Don't aim for perfection; just decide and keep moving forward. - Opportunities are abundant; pursue what excites you and brings fulfillment and money. These are just the gist, but I'd like to share this with you guys. You can learn about it too, as I do.
New comment Apr 4
Everyone says, "Steal like an artist."
Everyone says, "Steal like an artist." But no one tells how. No Problem, I got you. Here's how I steal like an artist. Every post has 4 parts: • Idea • Angle • Purpose • Structure Let's see how to use: ----------------------- 1) The idea -------------- The idea/Main lesson is the why of the post. Fe: Writing is the Greatest skill to learn. Because it helps us to have - • Clear thinking • More Creativity • Better communication Learning to write is a no-brainer. We find the main lesson in the last line: "Learn to write" ----------------------- 2) The angle ----------------------- You can talk about the same thing from a million different angles. Fe: Let's say "Andrew Tate": • He is an Idiot • He is a Top G Explore different angles. And always stay true to yourself. ------------------------------ 3) The purpose ------------------------------ Every post you write should have a Purpose. Why? People are selfish. They will not read. If it doesn't benefit them ------------------------------ 4) The structure ------------------------------ If you take structure and the same idea Then you are a copycat. Instead, steal structure and combine a different idea. Fe: "I lost it all. I lost three months of hard work. I lost 280+ followers. But will I quit? No, a chance." The structure is: • 3-word repetitions • Conclusion PS. I used my tweets as examples
New comment Apr 3
My content was Shit
I analyzed 100+ viral posts, And here is what I learned. All Viral posts had a sexy format, But Dan Koe... Shut up he has 400k+ followers, And you don't. 1. Staircase Stairways are underrated. - Stand out - Look good - Easy to read Start using Staircase. 2. Conciseness People are busy. So, make your writing. - Simple - Concise - Practical Simplicity is the king. 3. Repetition Repetition makes your writing - more readability - adds rhythm - look better Start using Repetition to get more likes. 4. Bullet points Bullet points make your writing - Easier to read - Easier to notice - Easier to consume Start using more bullet points. 5. Rule of 3 Using 3 points make your writing, - More Effective - More Engaging - More Memorable Don't ask me why. Here are a few examples @aidan-labreche-2325 @euan-spencer-4855 @savas-christou-2760 @brandon-storey-9466 Would love your feedback on this.
New comment Mar 21
My content was Shit
Do you know how to progress forward correctly?
We don't know how to progress forward. A friend of mine wanted to treat his hip pain so as all doctors do they ask you questions to learn more about it. I wanted to know how it did happen but I wish I did not because it made me laugh. He got injured not because of squatting but rather because he made the same mistake over and over again and did not seek help. His form was not that good, he needed an expert eye and not a Youtube video to correct his mistake. That made me think about the many people who need help but don't believe in its importance because they can progress alone. Learning from mistakes is a success. Those who struggle to learn from mistakes also struggle to prevent the same mistakes from occurring repeatedly. How can you progress without making the same mistake? Simple You have a system for progressing, and thankfully science did the heaving lifting for us. It is called Kolb's cycle of learning. 1. Experience 2. Reflection 3. Abstraction 4. Experimentation The Experience is all because how come you will make a judgment on something without even having Data about it. The Experience is the data. That simple. - Don't make the same mistake over and over again. - Each problem you want to solve will take several Kolb's cycles. - Focus on the Experience.
New comment Mar 7
Do you know how to progress forward correctly?
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