Do you know how to progress forward correctly?
We don't know how to progress forward.
A friend of mine wanted to treat his hip pain so as all doctors do they ask you questions to learn more about it.
I wanted to know how it did happen but I wish I did not because it made me laugh.
He got injured not because of squatting but rather because he made the same mistake over and over again and did not seek help.
His form was not that good, he needed an expert eye and not a Youtube video to correct his mistake.
That made me think about the many people who need help but don't believe in its importance because they can progress alone.
Learning from mistakes is a success. Those who struggle to learn from mistakes also struggle to prevent the same mistakes from occurring repeatedly. How can you progress without making the same mistake?
You have a system for progressing, and thankfully science did the heaving lifting for us. It is called Kolb's cycle of learning.
1. Experience
2. Reflection
3. Abstraction
4. Experimentation
The Experience is all because how come you will make a judgment on something without even having Data about it.
The Experience is the data.
That simple.
  • Don't make the same mistake over and over again.
  • Each problem you want to solve will take several Kolb's cycles.
  • Focus on the Experience.
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Abdel Djouadi
Do you know how to progress forward correctly?
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