Tena Koutou, im Resden, work part time doing community work in the Waikato region.
• I joined Romeo's Women's Weight Loss Academy want to learn the why, how and what I need to do as a foundation to motivate & assist me with the tools, strategies, game plan to add to my toolbox so I am driven, focused & motivated to make changes that give me the drive that I need to start my journey to lose weight.
• By the end of this program, I want to be able to have a better understanding of my holistic self and my self worth, what strategies I need to implement to stay on track. What negative habits, mind set, environment that I need to eliminate if I intend making life choices that are beneficial long term.
• My biggest motivation for success will be better life choice, healthy , more energy. Be able to lead by example to assist others make postive change. And the opportunity to be the best person I can be.
• The biggest roadblock to my success will be reverting back to where I am today. Old habits, environment that aren't conducive for me and my journey to lose weight.
• What do you do for fun: I enjoy bike riding, family time, social outings with family and friends.
Resden Moana
Women's Weight Loss Academy
The world's most powerful women's weight loss and wellness academy. Lose weight fast; without relying on fancy diets or spending hours at the gym.
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