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Women's Weight Loss Academy

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8 contributions to Women's Weight Loss Academy
Hey everyone write your top 3 goals you are trying to achieve and how long you been struggling with achieving this in years?
New comment Mar 11
3 likes • Feb 29
Goal 1 (Main Goal for myself) Come off medication for high BP, Gout medication High Cholesterol medication and Anti depressant medication, and to add to the list as of roughly 9months ago or so Metformin for PCOS due to not having regular menstrual cycles and when I do id have it for upto 3 to 5 months at a time, very heavy, constant blood clots through out my entire period and also bad cramping pain throughout. Goal 2 To Lose weight. I am currently heading back to my heaviest weight ive been in my life which I'm not far from, and have always been heavy since birth so I've been told. I have been struggling with my weight since a young age. It has worsened the older I get and is now out of control and has been for many many years. I want to be under the 100kg mark but first off I would like to drop down to at least 120kg before going u der 100kgs. Goal 3 Work I want to be able to get back into the work force, it has bow been 6years since I last worked due to been to heavy to stand. I use to be physically fit when young even as an obese child/teenager, I was active played every sports there was to play in school and out side of school for clubs and also walked from one side of otara to the other side of otara just to get to school. So I would love to get back into work. These are my goals that I have been working on for the past 10years plus (Goal 1 Goal 2) and also the past 6years.
Lets go ladies, book in with the link in @Romeo Yusupov Pinned post. What have we got to lose? other than that extra weight and negative mindset we are mostly stuck in. We can do this. Even if myself and alot of us here might not qualify, there's no harm just trying to see if we are a fit for this program/academy. Lets make this the start to a better understanding and better beginnings for ourselves.💯 #Motivate #Educate & #Succeed I'm hellar skeptical if im honest but I'm in it till the wheels fall off. We can only move up when things go down. I have nothing to lose (just weight) but alot to gain from this if I get through to the end. 🙂 YOU CAN DOIT, WE CAN DOIT!
New comment Feb 25
This is My Story & Purpose In Life. What is yours?
This is my story and reason for helping women around the world. My story was in a documentary film which won many awards around the world at film festivals and was even premiered in New Zealand Cinemas and many news channels around the world. Comment below Why you feel like you can resonate with me or my story and why you feel like I'm the right coach for you to help you do the same?
New comment Feb 20
This is My Story & Purpose In Life. What is yours?
2 likes • Feb 19
I had to watch this a few times, tbh I was lost for words and its taken me sometime to even think what to say, and I still don't know what to say, other than no body should ever have to endure the trials u did in your life. Im sorry you had experienced this and i congratulate you for coming out on top and not giving up, its sad how life can be so cruel and unfair and it can either break us or make us 💯. It brought up pain i felt before that I thought I had buried deep down. I was bullied from an entire school at the age of 7/8yrs old yeap u read it right an entire school for the 2 years I was at that primary school. Verbal and physical, even having people take my bag and putting it in the rubbish bin so that they could tease me as i pulled it out saying i was scavenging through the bins.Teachers never done anything about it and the only person who did not bully was my own sister but she couldn't do anything about it.. I lost my father to illness at age 15 pretty much disownedfrom his family after that, mother lived in tokoroa with her new fams but because I did not get along with her partner I did not want to live with her, I was raised by my father since my parents had split when i was aged 3yrs, endured good and bad things from a atep mother and step sister, and was always house hopping as a teen because i ddnt belong. I went through some trialing times as a youngin that has caused trauma for myself even up into adult hood but not extreme as what you experienced @Romeo Yusupov . I Applaud you for sharing your story.👏 I myself suffer depression and anxiety and am currently back on medication for it. I want to be able to over come these mental illnesses and come off the medication not only the mental health but also the overall health as I am on meds for other things due to been obese. I use to be very out going and an extrovert but when I had my first ever mental breakdown in my entire life at the age of 28 which was only 8 years ago, I tried to unalive myself unsuccessfully, im now an introvert who does not like to be out in public much or associate with anyone other than those I am very comfortable around. I couldn't reach out to family as I felt embarrassed. I had one sister saying I had no reason to be depressed its all in my head and she believed only people who have been through major traumatic experiences are legit people who can suffer mental health issues in her eyes she felt shes never seen me go through anything so I am not suffering its all in my head. I went through it mostly alone and hid everything because of that one sister saying that to me. I thought and sometimes still do now think not been alive is my only way out. But I know better, I know there's a better way to a better me. And that is why I am here and need yours or your teams help. My weight is also a big contribution to this self doubt I have towards myself. I have picked myself up many times but had always hit an obsticle that brought me back down. I use to self harm by cutting but have found other ways to deal with my urges, I have seeked help from my doctors and now know its ok to not be ok I reach out to my therapist when I feel my moods dropping. I want to improve my weight because I want to be able to be independent and work rather than been on government benefits for medical issues I want to be the happy extrovert I use to be that loved people and been out and about. I want to live longer to enjoy the milestones with my nieces and nephews, I Dont want kids I don't want my own little family like you Romeo, I don't want fame and I don't want sympathy, but I do want to be here longer to be able to walk and run and live life.
1 like • Feb 19
@Romeo Yusupov Amen Brother thank you 😊
Hey everyone quick little quiz for everyone. What methods have you tried already in order to change your weight and health e.g diets, Gym pills, trainers, doctors , surgeries? And what has been the biggest struggle during using these methods?
New comment Mar 8
6 likes • Feb 15
Hay Team so I have tried No carb diets, That did not last long as I was craving big time for bread/rice etc. I gave up, I've taken cambogia weightloss pills (if thats how its spelt) which made me lose my appetite alot but only had a small weightloss for the 2 months I was on it. My down fall to that was it was not cheap. I've tried Herbal life 3 diffrent times for 3 diffrent years and gained every time I was on it even while dieting and exercising, and not to mention the cost of it was OML lols, I stopped due to the weight gain and also it made me so constipated for days that i had to stop taking it just to get a boul movement, I've tried, a Butta bean program which I liked it was exercising using my own body weight,but transport was my issue once the 12 weeks of the program finished, I lost an ok amount of weight while at BBM but not the results I was expecting as I was gaining muscle aswell. I could have used public transport to continue going to the gym but with having social anxiety when out in public it was not an option. At the same time I have also done and still am currently doing Intermittent fasting (clean fast) recommended by my doctors and nutritionist, ive been fasting for about near 2 years now and I have lost quite abit of weight but how ever I have gained some back. Its like a yoyo with me its always up down up down. For myself my struggle with fasting i have noticed is that I find it hard to do when I have family and my nieces & nephews around as I get them every week/ends and also hard to stay on track when there are family functions or gatherings, I also get bored of just eating that I won't eat because I'm bored. I've also tried green prescription referred by my doctors and if im honest it done nothing for me as I did not use that service due to what was available for me to do which was mainly pool aerobics which I wanted to do but couldn't due to long and ridiculouly heavy bleeds when on my period for up to months at a time. When my mind is set I know I can doit I just sometimes get side tracked and fall off the wagon at times cause tbh I feel its a battle I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, ive been trying for over a decade and I feel I'm at a road block, Thats just me. But I want this so I am here. 🙂
0 likes • Feb 16
@Romeo Yusupov untill the wheels fall off, immah keep trying. I have to, I need to, I want to and I Will 😊
Am I looking in a mirror 🤔
I've seen many of these videos on TikTok and just watched them again on here. I can keep watching them over and over because I honestly resonate with every single persons stories and past journeys that are in these videos 💯. Its like im watching myself in the mirror with my experiences I've tried and I'm hoping this is something I can do to make the changes I've been trying to make for so long. 😊
New comment Feb 13
0 likes • Feb 13
@Romeo Yusupov thats awesome I can't wait 😊 thank you.
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Queenie Rio
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Till the wheels fall off ✌

Active 193d ago
Joined Feb 2, 2024
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