Joining a gym, with teenagers, question in the post.
Hi, a few months ago my oldest and her best friend from Cadets decided that they would go to the gym to get fit tone up and build stamina,our daughter is in the process of joining the reserves so will need to complete a fitness test as part of the application process, so my OH her dad who is my carer and her friends mum were taking turns, who ever was free at the time, I'm so proud of them, well fast forward to 2 ½ weeks ago, neither could take them, so i got volunteered instead, well guess what it turns out that i now do all the gym trips if I'm up to it, and they decided not was not to just sit and watch, so for the last 2 weeks I've been attending the gym, after speaking to the trainers there I now can use a lot of the equipment and what I can transfer on to use from my wheelchair or when on my crutches. It's been amazing it gets me out away from my father in law, who we as a family of 4 care for, there's 5 of us here as rest of family are not interested or too far away to help. On the hand bike I went from doing a mile in 20 mins to doing 2+ miles in 20 mins using various machines and just over 1 mile on the recubrant bike this is something I cannot always use due to leg strength and if they are working at that time or nerve pain levels, so currently 3 times a week.
I have one question I need to strengthen the muscles in my arms for transferring my grip is ok if there is weight in my hands so pulling on something to pull myself up or over works as good as I can get it but pushing up on my chair or a surface is so weak, any ideas would be appreciated. I have damaged at C6, L5-S1, and L3-L4 including arthritis. Thank you Danny for this group.
Charlotte Howes
Joining a gym, with teenagers, question in the post.
Wheel Warriors
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