May 15 (edited) in C28
New plan (updated)
Message: we send a postcard with two sides:
1) Your website is at risk. If we know, criminals might.
2) Analogy comparing home security to website security.
We offer a (paid) risk analysis which we will discuss in a call.
Cliënt (updated): small to medium sized businesses offering products or services to other businesses, for instance lawyers or accountants.
1) create a really long list of websites (of which we can also find contact info)
2) run the website through scanning software to find out which are at risk (yes, this is possible. Scary..)
3) send the postcards to the businesses who come out of the scan.
This way we know they have a sollable problem even before we contact them.
Medium: postcards, followed up by email and/or telephone.
The risk analysis will take some time to prepare, but will help us determine whether the client has a problem and whether we can solve it. This would be the basis of the consultation which could lead to more sales.
Our goal is to sell 3-5 analyses a week, which would make the endeavor profitable. All sales resulting from the analyses would be extra.
Any thoughts?
Hessel Prins
New plan (updated)
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