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ITB STUDENTS is happening in 6 days
Hello, my name is Wayne, and I have dedicated a significant amount of time to learning about business structures and I am well versed at it. I am here to help you grow your ideas to fruition. Our community includes individuals who want to establish themselves as a brand, employees aiming to rise through the ranks in their companies, and entrepreneurs seeking to develop their business ideas. Students enrolled in any course get access to our Business GPT, a tailored AI model to guide you through the formation of your business ideas. I am available for one-on-one sessions to help you structure your ideas. If you need my assistance, simply send me a message in my inbox, and we can discuss how I can support you. We offer courses tailored to different needs, and we hold weekly discussions to ensure everyone reaches their goals. Find a course that resonates with you, enroll, and participate in the fortnightly calls associated with that course. For those not enrolled in courses and seek to understand how to identify ideas and later on choose a path to the ideas development, you are still welcome to join my live class (WM LIVE; check the calendar for dates) where we break down various aspects of building your ideas using live examples. Feel free to interact and ask questions during these sessions. By joining this community, you will learn how to maximize your efforts, build essential real-world skills, and achieve personal growth. Engage with other students, brainstorm together, and leverage the collective knowledge of our community. Be kind and welcoming to others, and I wish you all the best on your journey to your own definition of success.
Navigating through your course
Some topics have real world assignments which are meant to have you actively start creating your future. They provide you with a path towards the structuring of your idea and the rest of the effort is unto you 😄. Make use of the BUSINESS GPT to help you structure your ideas better if you are not able to get to me😅. Keep an eye out for your course discussions dates, so that you can come hear from your classmates and have me guide you to a solution
We all benefit from constant engagement. Write or post anything related to this community or related to your journey to success. The more people engage with your posts through likes and comments you will be eligible for certain positions in this community. Check the leaderboard page to see what level you are at and what you can do to earn more points. Basically, the more people like your comments/posts the more points you can earn. 1.) People enrolled in any course and are level 5 and up are eligible to be an admin of their respective course and will be compensated for their services as an admin of their course. Once you get to that level send me a message to register your interest. We will run a pole and have people vote for you and the winner will be appointed😄 2.) When any member of the community attains level 7, you are eligible to become an admin of the entire community and will receive a salary for their work. Register your interest by sending me a message in my inbox and I will interview you personally. 3.) Any member of the community who is able to show me significant tangible progress in their own personal journey will be awarded up to $1000. This reward is reserved for only one person every 2 months. Yes you can win it over and over again. Keep having meaningful strides in your own personal journey and show me the results of your efforts. Make a post about what you have achieved and use ($1000WINNER) as the title of your post. I hope this motivates all of you to go out there and get started on your journey, your efforts will always be rewarded.
This course is for anyone who believes that they have good ideas and seeking ways to implement them into a business. It takes a lot to start a business but as long as you have a working mind your success is inevitable. We will be meeting on Tuesdays, check calendar for (OI STUDENTS) for us to discuss the various topics that have not been fully understood or just to brainstorm with your fellow classmates on the same journey as you.
This course is for any person who wants to understand how to turn themselves into a business. Be it as a creative or anything else that involves only you as a money making machine. You will learn how to enhance your skill or talent to grow into a full business entity that relies on you as the face of the brand. We will hold meetings on Mondays, check the calendar for (ITB STUDENTS). Get to meet other people on the same journey as you and see where you are going wrong or what you can do better in your journey and also promote yourself.😎
New comment Jul 15
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Learn how to position yourself better financially through well structured ideas
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