We all benefit from constant engagement. Write or post anything related to this community or related to your journey to success. The more people engage with your posts through likes and comments you will be eligible for certain positions in this community.
Check the leaderboard page to see what level you are at and what you can do to earn more points. Basically, the more people like your comments/posts the more points you can earn.
1.) People enrolled in any course and are level 5 and up are eligible to be an admin of their respective course and will be compensated for their services as an admin of their course. Once you get to that level send me a message to register your interest. We will run a pole and have people vote for you and the winner will be appointed馃槃
2.) When any member of the community attains level 7, you are eligible to become an admin of the entire community and will receive a salary for their work. Register your interest by sending me a message in my inbox and I will interview you personally.
3.) Any member of the community who is able to show me significant tangible progress in their own personal journey will be awarded up to $1000. This reward is reserved for only one person every 2 months. Yes you can win it over and over again. Keep having meaningful strides in your own personal journey and show me the results of your efforts. Make a post about what you have achieved and use ($1000WINNER) as the title of your post.
I hope this motivates all of you to go out there and get started on your journey, your efforts will always be rewarded.
Wayne Musungu
Learn how to position yourself better financially through well structured ideas
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